Все публикации

Closing Remarks

Lightning Talks Day One with Kojo Idrissa

Lightning Talks Day Two with Kojo Idrissa

Lightning Talks Day Three with Kojo Idrissa

Back to the Future of Hypermedia in Django

Let's build a BeeWare app that uses Django with Cheuk Ting Ho

One database table, one model, many behaviours: Proxy model with Ronald Maravanyika

Swiss Army Django: Small Footprint ETL with Noah Kantrowitz

The programmer's imagination with Daniele Procida

Sponsored Talk: Optimizing Django deployments with a Continuous Observability Strategy.

Beyond the Basics of Migrations with Charlotte Mays

Building Powerful APIs with Django, Django Rest Framework, and OpenAPI with Velda Kiara

^What can (the DSF | I) do for (me | the DSF)\?$ with Chaim Kirby

Django's Data Science Makeover: Integrating D3.js and Bokeh for Data Visualization with Drishti Jain

Postgres Performance: From Slow to Pro with Elizabeth Christensen

Keynote: Testing Modern Web Apps Like a Champion with Andrew Knight

Don't Buy the 'A.I.' Hype with Tim Allen

How to Schedule Tasks with Celery and Django

Inside Out: My Journey of Understanding Inclusion with Natalia Bidart

Contributing to Django or how I learned to stop worrying and just try to fix an ORM Bug Ryan Cheley

Meet-ups: A Grand Vision for a Humble Endeavor with Deb Nicholson

Sponsored Talk: Supercharge Your Django Dev Team: Introducing the BEST Framework with Calvin

Keynote: Django the Dinosaur: A Story About A Web Framework with Julia Solórzano

An approach to lightweight tenancy management using Django Rest Framework with Eliana Rosselli