Все публикации

Aima Baig live at the opening ceremony of Gaddafi Stadium Lahore #aimabaig #gaddafistadiumlahore

Aima baig spotted at the ramp walk of bridal couture week #aimabaig #humtv #pakistanidrama

Aima Baig Full Performance at the Bridal Couture Week

Spotted MAWRA HOCANE walking the ramp at bridal couture week #mawrahocane #humtv #lahore #pakistan

Rajab Butt at the #humbridalcoutureweek #rajabfamily #humtv #hbcw #lahore #pakistan

Mehwish Hayat spotted at the back stage of Bridal Couture Week #mehwishhayat #lahore #humtv

Spotted Rajab Butt Family at the bridal couture week in lahore #bridalcoutureweek #rajabfamily

Ali Zafar and Danyal Zafar at Bridal Couture Week 2024

#MawraHocane at the #bridalcoutureweek #humtv #pakistanidrama #pakistanicelebrities #pakistani

#AimaBaig at the backstage of #humtv #bridalcoutureweek #hbcw #nhbcw #bridalcoutureweek2024

#Suleman & #AbeerAsadKhan walks the ramp at the #humtv #bridalcoutureweek #hbcw

#AliZafar killed it with his dance on his new song at the #bridalcoutureweek #nhbcw #hbcw #MODR

Spotted #mehwishhayat at the backstage of #bridalcoutureweek #humtv #lahore

Models walking the ramp at the #bridalcoutureweek #humtv #hbcw

Urwa Hocane and Bilal Saeed at Hum Bridal Couture Week 2024

Spotted #UrwaHocane at the #BridalCoutureWeek #hbcw #nhbcw #lahore #pakistanicelebrities

Alizeh Shah spotted having fun with a friend. #alizehshah #pakistanidrama #showbiz #fun

Aima baig 😭🤯 #aimabaig #pakistanisinger #pakistanidrama #lahore 

AIMA BAIG’s sister wedding ceremony #aimabaig

Aashir Wajahat have a message for you guys! #aashirwajahat #nabalighafrad #lahore #pakistanifilm

Sajal Aly and Hamza spotted in lahore #sajalaly #hamzasohail #zardpattonkabunn #pakistanidrama

Behind the scenes with the showstoppers of #kashees

The respect between the artist ♥️🥹 #zardpattonkabunn #hamzasohail #sajalaly #pakistanidrama

Sajal Aly interview on Zard Patton Ka Bunn #zardpattonkabunn #sajalaly #pakistanidrama