Все публикации

3D Printed Passive Speaker for your phone

Job opportunities after Mechatronics and Cyber-Physical Systems

VW Golf 4 Air Intake Hose Repair

3D Printed Radio Switch Mount

Creating a gear manufacturing process using Matlab

Trip Through Germany during Semester Break

Learning the German Language as an International Student in Germany

Explaining Undercut in Spur Gears

Appreciating our current location in life

Mandatory vaccine, vaccine passport, and a third dose

Working as a Student in Germany

IceSL Tutorial Using Our Gear Project

FEM Model With Ansys

TV and Radio Tax in Germany

Deep Convolutional Generative Adversarial Network Tutorial from Tensorflow Website

Convolution neural network tutorial from Tensorflow website

Temperature and humidity sensor circuit and code

More Topics on the Mechatronic and Cyber-Physical Systems Program

Getting to Germany and What it's Like Living Here so far

Mechanical versus Mechatronic Engineering

Creating a Device to Measure the Atmosphere of My Space

Getting Started With IceSL and Lua

Cologne Spring 2019

I Made It To Germany