Все публикации

focus on muting and playing clean

how to actually make it in music i guess ft. @lighttheory

POV: you just kept practicing

the ultimate arpeggio guide for guitarists

the best exercises to go from intermediate to advanced

try this brain-twisting legato excercise

write riff using modes to quickly internalise their sound

mastering triads for musical improvisation

complete breakdown of how i made my latest single

how to unlock complete fluency in your playing

you're learning scales the wrong way

find a direction with your guitar playing

you don't understand how to learn music

Giuseppe Gilardi - dopamine rush (playthrough)

steal these modern sounding licks

this is what makes the difference when learning guitar

how to dial in the perfect tone

experiment with dynamics in your playing

learn this non-diatonic hybrid picking lick

use triads in your improvisational vocabulary

throwback to some aeolian riffage

swybrid picking and arpeggios are a deadly combo

a reminder to vibrato with proper intonation

how to improve on guitar faster than ever