Все публикации

Financial resilience in the face of adversity | Elizabeth Blake

Managing the emotional rollercoaster; what does that mean and what can I do?

Understanding Steroids | Dr Anna Elinder-Camburn

Boosting Recovery: Effective Exercise and Fatigue Reduction Strategies | Lou James

Life after allogeneic SCT – the first year? | Catherine Wood

Genetics in blood cancers | Prof Ian Morison

Navigating travel insurance | Geb Owen

Your Gut, Bowel & Microbiome Runs Your Health | Jason Shon Bennett

Medicine decision-making in NZ | Rosie Shaw

The role of Integrative Oncology and use of Complementary therapies

Supportive care in B-cell cancers including CLL and Myeloma | Dr Philip George

Pharmac Panel | Paula Bennett, Todd Stephenson and Dr David Hughes

Shine for a Cure

Our Online World

Blood tests - from the lab to you.

Indolent Lymphomas and CLL

“Nobody told me I had cancer”.MyeloproliferativeNeoplasms (MPN)explained - Dr Alwyn D’Souza

Myelodysplastic syndromes when the marrow goes awry - Dr Annette Neylon

Why participate in clinical trials: It’s not about being a Guinea Pig - Dr Alwyn D’Souza

Preventing infections for people with blood cancers - Dr Robert Weinkove

Closing speech | Living well with, and beyond Blood Cancer, Tracy King

Myeloma: An overview of treatment and side effects - Tracy King

CAR T cell therapy in New Zealand - Dr Robert Weinkove

CML Current Issues - Professor Peter Browett