Все публикации

CUDA and Application to Task-Based Programming (part 2) | Eurographics'2021 Tutorial

CUDA and Application to Task-Based Programming (part 1) | Eurographics'2021 Tutorial

Visualization and Graphics in Mixed Reality | Eurographics'2021 Tutorial

Inverse Computational Spectral Geometry | Eurographics'2021 Tutorial

Volumetric Video | Eurographics'2021 Tutorial

Closing Session | Eurographics'2021

Optim. LBVH‐Construction and Hierarchy‐Traversal to acc. kNN Queries on Point Clouds | EG'2021 FP

Time‐Warped Foveated Rendering for Virtual Reality Headsets | Eurographics'2021 Full Paper

Adaptive Compositing and Navigation of Variable Resolution Images | Eurographics'2021 Full Paper

Experiencing GPU path tracing in online courses | Eurographics'2021 Edu Paper

Opening, Awards, and Fast Forwards | Eurographics'2021

Hofburg | Eurographics'2021 Sightseeing

Belvedere Palace | Eurographics'2021 Sightseeing

STAR 5: A Survey on Bounding Volume Hierarchies for Ray Tracing | Eurographics'2021

STAR 6: A Survey of Image Synthesis Methods for Visual Machine Learning | Eurographics'2021

STAR 2: 2D Points Curve Reconstruction Survey and Benchmark | Eurographics'2021

STAR 7: Film Directing for Computer Games and Animation | Eurographics'2021

STAR 8: Algorithms for Microscopic Crowd Simulation: Advancements in the 2010s | Eurographics'2021

STAR 3: State of the Art on Computational Design of Assemblies with Rigid Parts | Eurographics2021

Nanographics | Eurographics'2021 Industrial

Visplore-Where domain knowledge meets data science | Eurographics'2021 Industrial

(6) - Unsupervised Learning of Disentangled 3D Representation from a Single Image | EG'2021 Poster

(7) - Tetrahedral Interpolation on Regular Grids | Eurographics'2021 Poster

(3) - Color Reproduction Framework for Inkjet FDM 3D Printers | Eurographics'2021 Poster