Все публикации

Price prediction of used car - implementation of machine learning web app project with deployment

Diabetes risk prediction | python | implementation & deployment of machine learning web app project

How to display video, audio and embed (insert) a flash file in web page in vs code - code to create

Create gradient text/word on webpage using html in visual studio code

How to make a 2 player word game app in visual studio code using html and java script

How to create a login page word game part 1 using html and java script

Basic tags in HTML for beginners

Bayes theorem tutorial in python - Data Science

Logistic Regression with practical implementation in python Data Science

Support Vector Machine (SVM) tutorial | how SVM works | practical implementation of SVM using python

Linear Regression algorithm tutorial in python

Collaborative filtering (user based and item based) tutorial in Data Science using Python

K - Means Clustering tutorial - Machine learning algorithm example - implementation using python

coefficients of correlation complete tutorial in python Data Science

Outliers and how to handle the outliers tutorial

# 10 Matplotlib tutorial - Subplots - Python for data science

#9 Matplotlib Tutorial Plotting Live Data in Real Time

# 8 Matplotlib Tutorial Plotting Time Series Data movie

#7 Matplotlib tutorial - Scatter plots - python for data science

#6 Matplotlib tutorial - how to create Histograms - python for data science

#5 Matplotlib tutorial - Filling area on line plots - python for data science training - code2create

#4 Matplotlib tutorials - Stack Plots/area plot using matplotlib library - python for data science

#3 Matplotlib tutorial - how to create Pie chart in python - Python for data science - Likhatha

#2 Matplotlib tutorial - Bar charts and analyzing data from CSVs - Python for data science