Все публикации

A Pretty Good Definition of 'Philosophy'

Integrated Information Theory and The Metaphysics of Consciousness w/Dr. Garrett Mindt

If We Live in God's Story, What Kind of Thing Are We??

Epistemologist WRECKS My Self-Defeat Argument Against the Simulation Theory

What is 'Logicism' in the Philosophy of Mathematics?

What's the relationship between philosophy and mathematics?

content externalism in epistemology

Putnam's Transcendental Argument and The Problem of Recent Brain Envatment (w/Dr. Sandy Goldberg)

Hilary Putnam's Self-Refutation Argument Against Brain-in-a-Vat Skepticism (w/Dr. Sandy Goldberg)

Philosophical Reasons to Doubt Nick Bostrom's Simulation Hypothesis

Is The Simulation Hypothesis Different from Brain-in-a-vat Skepticism and Idealism?

Philosopher Gives 3 Arguments for an Immaterial Mind (Michael Huemer)

What David Lewis Believe about Possible Worlds and Personal Identity?

David Lewis's Modal Realism vs. Alvin Plantinga's Modal Ontological Argument?

The Argument from Intentionality for a Transcendent/Infinite Mind (God)

The Kindness and Severity of Jesus?

One Must NOT Imagine Sisyphus Happy!!!

What is the Wisdom Tradition in the Bible?? (w/Dr. Tremper Longman III)

What is a Person?

Should We Identify Jesus with Lady Wisdom of Proverbs 8?

Is Partialism a Trinitarian Heresy? (Christian philosopher explains why it's not)

The Latin Model vs. The Social Model of the Trinity

Are There Any Metaphysically Necessary Truths?

Is 'Conceivability' a Good Guide in Metaphysics?