Все публикации

CPDC NGO Directory Registration Tutorial

Grant Funding Proposal Writing and Development for NGOs: The Bahamas - Participant Feedback!

CPDC SIDS4 Highlight Video

CPDC Publication Launch

CPDC UN SIDS4 Side Event: Just and Climate Finance - Why Now?

M&E Video 2

M&E Video 1

Understanding Debt Crisis in the Caribbean and it's implications for small island developing states

Climate change and it's effects on small island developing states in the Caribbean.

Good Governance - How Accountable is your Government Spending?

The Negative Impacts of COVID-19 on Vulnerable Groups in Barbados and the Eastern Caribbean

Feedback Video - Regional Workshop Video Capacity Building (11th EDF )

Feedback Video - Regional Capacity Building Workshop (COVID-19)

A Silent Debt Crisis Impacting the Caribbean !

Climate Change and the Role of Civil Society Organizations

Addressing the needs of our Vulnerable Beneficiaries (Beneficiary Needs Assessment)

The Role of the Board for NGOs

A Deep Dive into Post COVID-19 Context for NGOs and their Beneficiaries

Proposal Writing Workshop

Round Table Discussion VI : Can the LPP Reduce the Impacts of Natural Hazards on Vulnerable Groups?

Good Morning Barbados Interview- Launch of the 11th EDF

Integrated Climate Risk Management

Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises

Parametric Insurance