Все публикации

Yuan Xin - Near Critical Behavior of the Lattice Schwinger Model

Henry Lin - Bootstrapping D0 Brane Quantum Mechanics

Ian Moult - Reggeization from Renormalization

Alexandre Homrich - Multiparticle Flux Tube S matrix Bootstrap

Andreas Athenodorou - Closed and Open Flux Tubes in the large N Limit

Bruno Scheihing Hitschfeld - Quarkonium in Quark Gluon Plasma

Aleksey Cherman - The Lattice, Anomalies, and Persistent Order

Jan Albert - Bootstrapping Mesons at Large N

Zechuan Zheng - Finite N Lattice Bootstrap

Edward Mazenc - Strings from Feynman Diagrams

Kazakov - Quantum Spectral Curve of N=4 SYM and its BFKL Limit

Georg Bergner - investigating 2d adjoint QCD on the lattice

Ross Dempsey and Benjamin Sogaard - 2d adjoint QCD on a hamiltonian lattice

Nunez - Aspects of gauge/string duality

Alice di Tucci - Quantum Computing Today

Karl Jansen - Quantum Computing for Lattice Gauge Theories

Ian Moult - Energy Correlators from CFTs to QCD

Alexander Zhiboedov -

Gabriel Cuomo - 'The EFT of Large Spin Mesons'

Biagio Lucini - Investigating Phase Transitions with Machine Learning Methods

Bruno Scheihing Hitschfeld - Quarkonium in QGP

Paulo Bedaque - 'Quantum computers, gauge theories, and 'qubitization' '

Etsuko Itou: Mass spectra in the 2-flavor Schwinger Model in the Hamiltonian formalism

'Universal Features of High-Energy Collisions in QCD and Gravity from Shockwave Collisions'