Все публикации

My neighbor kept parking in my driveway, so l sold his car...

My boss said I had to work late, so I forwarded his Emails to HR.

Want to be an arrogant Karen'? Enjoy the snow white remake...

The best way to kill a bad rule is to follow it to the letter.

Don't want to sign off on terms you agreed to? No problem, go ahead!

Let your teenager kick me for a 9 hour flight?Get stuck on the plane extra long...

Delete all your files? Okay, sure...

Boss asked me to wash work linen at home, so I did.

What is something that parents are doing now but will greatly regret in a few years?

The work uniform is mandatory no matter what. Okay, fine...

Won't move your car? Alright, enjoy a car accident...

I locked my Aldi cart to another person's cart inside the store...

You want me to clean the office exactly like that? Okay, I'll do it.

You want me to disable half of my entire testing stage? Okay!

What would you have done?

Give me detention for leaving school grounds? Okay, enjoy your daily lunchbreak interruptions...

You live by the speakerphone, you are shamed by the speakerphone.

My boss fired me, so I took his Masters and PhD title...

I'm sorry you feel that way, but I have to follow the rules...

I told my neighbor she can't have my side of the garden...

Make up lies about me? Okay, you don't get loan postponement...

What's the most satisfying way you've put a bully in their place?

No we don't need you input on what we are feeding the dog...

You wanna try to take 9 feet of our property? We will take 20 of yours...