Все публикации

Modern Financial Dashboard from Scratch in Tableau - Day 1

#10- How catalyst optimizer chooses join strategy in Databricks?

Git and GitHub datasheet #dataengineers #GitHub #GitHub pages ub

Probability concept for data science #datascience #datascientist #data

Lambda function in Python #dataengineers #databricks #dataengineeringessentials #spark #data

#9- What is Catalyst Optimizer in Databricks?| Physical & Logical Plan | Demo in Databricks

Complete SQL Guide in 1 min #dataengineers #coding #databasemanagement #sql

#8 - Parquet vs Delta | Fix tiny file problem in Databricks

#7 - What is tiny file problem in Databricks | Effects and Solution

#6 - What is Lazy Evaluation and DAG with simple example in databricks?

What is machine learning? #databricks #ml #machinelearning

#5- Difference between Resilient Distributed Dataset(RDD) and Data frame with simple example

Top 25 Advance level Python interview questions #dataengineers #python #interviewquestions

#3- What is shuffling/Exchange and its inner mechanism in Databricks?

List in Python #dataengineers #python programming #spark #programming ramming

What is local and global count in Databricks? #dataengineers #databricks #spark #bigdata

How stages are created in Databricks? #dataengineers #databricks #dataengineeringessentials #spark

How is job created in Databricks? #databricks #dataengineeringessentials #spark #bigdata

What is wide and narrow transformation in Apache Spark? #dataengineers #spark #dataengineers

10 different data charts in Python with code #data #python #pythonprogramming #visualization

#2 - How Apache Spark breaks up a single job into multiple stages| Practical Example in Databricks

What is executor and cluster in Apache Spark? #databricks #dataengineeringessentials #dataengineers

What is driver in Apache Spark?#databricks #dataengineeringessentials #dataengineers #data #spark

What is Apache Spark in simple term? #databricks #dataengineeringessentials #dataengineers #data