Все публикации

Concept of Multiplicative inverse #shorts #complexnumber #inverse

Concept of Independent Event and its properties #shorts #probability #maths

Find probability of atleast A or B #shorts #probability maths

Find probability of E intersection F #shorts #probability #intersections

Find integration of sec³x #shorts #integration #importantquestions

Multiplication theorem of probability

How to find conditional probability

How to find Argument of Complex Number

Alternate Segment Theorem #alternatesegmenttheorem #theorem #proof

find Determinant of

find integration #shorts #integration #importantquestion

Find Determinants of a inverse #shorts #determinant #inveesw

Find Determinant of adjoint A #shorts #determinant #matrix

Ex 13.1 Q 15 || Probability Class 12 CBSE

Ex 13.1 Q 13 and Q 14 || Probability Class 12 CBSE

Ex 13.1 Q10 || Probability Class 12 CBSE

Ex 13.1 Q12 || Probability Class 12 CBSE #conditonalprobability #probability #maths

Ex 13.1 Q9 || Probability Class 12 CBSE #probability #conditionalprobability #importantquestion

Ex 13.1 Q7 || Probability Class 12 CBSE

Ex 13. 1 Q6 || Probability Class 12 CBSE

Ex 13.1 Q4, Q5 || Probability Class 12 CBSE

Concept of Integration #shorts #integration #differentiation

Ex 13.1 Q1,Q2 & Q3 ||Probability Class 12 CBSE

Integration Ex 7.1 Q 14 and Q15 #integration #calculus #maths