Все публикации

Rare persistent train meteor captured by Gemini Observatory over Mauna Kea

Kilauea Volcano activity in 2018 - Hawaii

Building the world's largest telescope

Desafios da infraestrutura e instrumentação astronômica óptica no Brasil para a década de 2020

Perguntas e respostas: Desafios da infraestrutura e instrumentação astronômica

Red de Infraestructuras de Astronomia (RIA) - Jordi Torra

The world's largest telescope

The Giant Magellan Telescope Project: Current Status (August 2018)

Crise e cortes de orçamento na ciência brasileira

Opening ceremony

Sharp images and wide fields: the scientific power of GMTIFS and MANIFEST on GMT (3 of 3)

GMTNIRS and the Promise of High Resolution Spectroscopy in the Infrared (2 of 3)

Exoplanetary Science with GMT (3 of 3)

Exoplanetary Science with GMT (1 of 3)

Sharp images and wide fields: the scientific power of GMTIFS and MANIFEST on GMT (2 of 3)

Sharp images and wide fields: the scientific power of GMTIFS and MANIFEST on GMT (1 of 3)

GMTNIRS and the Promise of High Resolution Spectroscopy in the Infrared (3 of 3)

Exoplanetary Science with GMT (2 of 3)

GMTNIRS and the Promise of High Resolution Spectroscopy in the Infrared (1 of 3)

Missão Espaço - observatórios ESO

Stellar rotation, magnetic activity cycles and its consequences for precise radial velocity surveys

Feeding and feedback in AGN

Unlocking the physics of the high redshift universe with optical spectroscopy on ELTs

GMACS and the GMT-Brazil instrumentation projects