Все публикации

Crustal thickness and Rayleigh wave phase velocity below the North American midcontinent

Seismic imaging of the Kentland crater

Predicting earthquake waveforms using generative AI

ML-based geological model building in Illinois basin

Characterizing traffic induced seismic data: ML vs. domain experts

Reversibility of first-arrival travel-times using physics informed neural networks

Structural imaging using wind turbine induced vibrations

Seismic imaging of the Okmok volcano in the Alaska

Role of slab in postseismic deformation following deep earthquakes

Sparse rural road traffic detection in noisy environments

Monitoring attenuation changes using road traffic

Monitoring seismic attenuation using train-induced noise

Road roughness estimation from DAS recordings

Seismic Anisotropy of the Hanging Wall Bedrock in the Alpine Fault

Overview of Applied Seismology Research at SGP

Optimizing integrated carbon & electricity network in ASEAN

Equity Study in Energy Transition

Planning for geophysical logging at a geophysical test site

Borehole rock physics and mechanics for stress determination at the COSC-2 borehole, Sweden

Measurement of the static nonlinear third-order elastic moduli of rocks: problems and applicability

Measurement of High-Speed Railway Subsidence

Vehicle-induced road roughness evaluationusing a roadside geophone

Forward Modeling of 3D Electromagnetic Scattering Problems in Complicated Backgrounds

Distributed Acoustic Sensing in Tunnel Environment