Все публикации


Gaining weight in PDEs is not so bad

On the energy of the dilute Bose gas

Prediction and Inference: From Models and Data to Artificial Intelligence / Part 2

Prediction and Inference: From Models and Data to Artificial Intelligence / Part 1

Mathematical imaging: from PDEs to deep learning for images

Kugarajh - “Scalar-Induced” Gravitational Waves as a Probe for Modified Gravity

Ruffo - Statistical Mechanics of Non Additive Systems and the Thirring Model

Ponno - Quantum Field Theory of Scalar Dark Matter: A Simple Model

Beyen - Dynamical de Sitter Black Holes in a Quasi-Stationary Expansion

Scardino - Toward a Minkowskian Formulation of Lattice QCD

Salasnich - Interaction Between a Gravitational Wave and a Trapped Bose-Einstein Condensate

Pilo - The Making of a Dynamical Cosmological Constant

Bartolo - More on Quantum Decoherence Signatures from Inflation

Yakimenko - Dynamics and Stability of Solitonic Galactic Core in Ultralight Dark Matter

Garoffolo - Proper Time Path Integrals For Gravitational Waves

Feldbrugge - Path Integrals in the Sky

Sarieddine - Loop Corrections to the Power Spectrum

Tejerina - An Entangled Universe

Tarancón Álvarez - Gravitational Duals From Equation Of State

Di Cintio - Collisionless and collisional relaxation processes in Modified Newtonian Dynamics (MOND)

Minimization of total-variation and area functionals with measure data

Besicovitch's 1/2 problem and linear programming

Phase coexistence models, minimal surfaces and long-range interactions