Все публикации

Learning from the #Visions of #Amos

What we learn from #Jesus #sermononthemount told in reverse

Is it wrong to draw a cross on your forehead?

I have denied Christ before men. What happens now?

A 30 second Prayer Break for you to take now

What you should know about arguments

Even if you get rich keep God first

When the wrath of God comes down on your enemies

A prayer for your enemies

Do this with your life today? (Learning from Jonah)

My Aunt completed her purpose on Earth today

A 2nd chance

I wish I knew this earlier

Learning from Jonah’s Prayer

Please know this about Attention Seekers

Can God restore someone like me?

How to find peace in your life (Psalm 23:2)

Walk in the steps God has ordered for you

When the wisemen meet Jesus

Don’t loss your soul

Does God lead your life?

Now Faith!

The Faith of Sarah

Psalm 119 v 33-40 (Teach me Lord)