Все публикации

Learn C language Programming, Basic structure of C program, In hindi

Construct in Algorithm, Constant & Variables, Algorithm to get largest number from N numbers, Hindi

what is programming?, how to write an algorithm. how to make/ draw flowchart, Hindi

OSI Model |functions of 7 layers of osi model, explained step by step

How to link or insert Excel data in Powerpoint and Update automatically [ In Hindi ]

Curtain animation for Inauguration Ceremony in powerpoint with curtain Transition Effect | hindi

create powerpoint (ppt) Photo slideshow or photo album from many photos or photo folder, in hindi

how to make or create Draft in eoffice using file or using Copy /Paste, how to take Draft approval

use of hyperlink in powerpoint - to a word file-paragraph , powerpoint hyperlink to excel file-cell

Microphone | Mic settings in PC, Laptop, in windows 7 / 10 , for audio | sound recording, in hindi

Create Yellow Note, Green Note in eoffice, what is the use of Yellow Note?

how to use email Diarisation in eoffice, and How to send acknowledgement , in hindi

learn to use receipt in e Office, tracking & grouping of receipts, ( in Hindi)

eOffice training , Used in indian Railways, Government offices, PSU , in Hindi

what is ip address v4 (IPv4) and IP address v6 (IPv6) | ipv4 vs ipv6

how to convert binary to decimal, octal to decimal and hexadecimal to decimal conversion

number system conversion - decimal to binary, decimal to octal and decimal to hexadecimal number

number system - decimal, binary, octal and hexadecimal, base of a number system

What is a proxy server ?, how proxy works, and benefits of Proxy server in computer networking

Virtual Machine concept, it's benefits, why hypervisor required to setup a virtual machine

using Mira cast for wireless screen mirroring from PC to smart TV in windows 10 or 8

how to use | connect mobile internet to laptop, pc with mobile hotspot | usb tethering, in hindi

Record audio | sound with powerpoint presentation, save powerpoint as video, in hindi

How to use google chromecast, chromecast setup, How to make a Smart tv from normal tv, in hindi