Все публикации

What is the shortcut key for save item? #shortvideo

What is the shortcut key for save? #shortcutkeys #shortvideo

What is the shortcut key for undo? #shortvideo #quiz

What is the shortcut key for print? #shortcutkeys #shortvideo

What is the shortcut key for find? #shortcutkeys #shortvideo

What is the shortcut key for redo? #shots

What is the shortcut key for replace? #shortcutkeys #shortvideo

What is the shortcut key for paste item? #shortvideo

What is the shortcut key for cut item? #shortcutkeys #shortvideo

What is the shortcut key for select all item? #shortvideo #quiz

What is the shortcut key for copy item? #shortcutkeys #shortvideo

What is the purpose of a compiler in programming? #quiz

Which of the following is a type of cyberattack? #quiz #shortvideo

Who is the CEO of Tesla inc.? #quiz #quizzingtech

What is the purpose of DNS in a computer network? #quiz

Who is the co-founder of apple? #quiz #apple

What is the function of an ethernet cable? #quiz #ethernet

Which programming language used for developing IOS App? #quiz

What does CSS Stand For? #css #cssbasics #quiz

What is the purpose of a CPU in a computer? #shortvideo #quiz

Which of the following is a relational database management system?

What is the most widely used programming language for web development?

Which is the following is a version control system? #shortvideo #quiz

What is the purpose of html in web development? #quiz #shortvideo