Все публикации

San Francisco Myths

Elon won.

The Biggest Lie Told in America

Bookstores Sell a Fantasy

The Menswear Guy Speaks! with Derek Guy - 282

Twisted Email Freaks

Baseball Was Made For 19th Century Brains

Trump Has Finally Lost His Mind

Who Caused the Housing Crisis? with Jerusalem Demsas

Are Progressives Finally Making Progress with Osita Nwanevu - 278

Foreign Lobbyists Help Dictators Remain in Power

The Reason Streaming Services TV Shows Are So Bland

A Rock Could Indicate Life on Mars

Farming Regulations Allows Iowa to Be Covered in Manure

WTF did the Supreme Court Just Do with Leah Litman and Kate Shaw of Strict Scrutiny - 269

Facebook is Dying, Full of Ads and AI Shrimp Jesus

Exploring Heterosexuality Through Twilight with Natalie Wynn

Games Are Not Exclusive to Humans

Biden Being the Most Pro-Union President is a Low Bar to Meet

We Didn't Domesticate Plants -- Plants Domesticated Themselves

Socialism in America is on Life Support

Google's Creators Knew Exactly What They Were Doing

Billionaires Are Not Saving Journalism | Factually! Ep 252

How Google RUINED the Internet