Все публикации

IB History: How To Answer Paper 1 Question 12 (Move To Global War) - Fourth Question for Paper 1

IB History: How To Answer Paper 1 Question 11 (Move To Global War) - Third Question for Paper 1

IB History: How to Answer Paper 1 Question 10 (Move To Global War) - Second Question for Paper 1

IB History: How to Answer Paper 1 Question 9b (Move To Global War)

IB History: How to Answer Paper 1 Question 9a (Move To Global War)

Book Creator | Digital Books, Comics Magazines and Creativity

Multimedia Storytelling and More with Sutori

Mapmaking with Google My Maps | Add Content, Edit, Collaborate and Share

Augment Student Voice with Live Internet Broadcasting from Your Class or Club

Automatically Generate and Email Certificates with Google Tools

Turn Videos into Interactive Lessons with Edpuzzle

What is political socialization?

The Political Spectrum | How do we understand liberals and conservatives?

Gamify Learning Easily with Flippity & Google Sheets

Create Interactive Slides Presentations with Google slides & Pear Deck

The Quick Way to Build a Robust Google Site for Classes, Portfolios, Clubs. and Projects

How To Create a Hyperdoc: Organized Learning Spaces That Help Students Focus

Digital Whiteboard Activities with Google Jamboard (browser version)

Digital Whiteboard Activities with Google Jamboard (iPad version)

Create Graphic Organizers and Visuals with Google Drawings

Discussing Racial Injustice Using the News

Collect Student Research with Google Forms & Quickly Create a Class Map with Google My Maps

Import Data Tables from a Website and Create a Google My Maps Map

How To Write an Annotated Bibliography