Все публикации

So you want a DDE biosensor

Crash Course Mol Bio

Genetic Circuits

Talk About iGEM

iGEM Tartan Day

Introduction to iGEM, Alma College

Co-evolution explained

Endomembrane System


Nucleic Acids

Regulating Gene Expression in Prokaryotes

Protein to Biobrick Conversion Tool

Navigation of the Registry of Standard Biological Parts

Verifying a DNA part for iGEM

Simple method for building an iGEM bio-brick

FoldIt Tutorial

Electron Orbitals and Energy Levels

Atomic Structure

Scientific Method: the Basics

Introduction to Molecular Biology: The Central Dogma

Human Anatomy and Physiology: Diffusion and Transport

Human Anatomy and Physiology: Organelles

Human Anatomy and Physiology: Membranes

Human Anatomy and Physiology: Simple Reactions