Все публикации

It’s My Choice: A tool for choosing method of abortion [English]

It’s My Choice: A tool for choosing method of abortion [Français]

Federal health minister Mark Holland delivers powerful speech at the SOGC's ACSC 2024.

Lutter contre la douleur : Le parcours de Philippa avec l’endométriose

Advocating Against Pain: Philippa’s Endometriosis Journey

All of us against HPV

The SOGC in the Democratic Republic of Congo/ La SOGC en République Démocratique du Congo

Welcome address from new SOGC President, Dr. Elio Dario Garcia

COVID-19 Presentation by Dr. Graeme Smith

COVID-19 and Pregnancy PowerPoint presentation from Vanessa Poliquin, MD MSc FRCSC

SOGC Talks: Vaccine Hesitancy – In Conversation with Dr. Jennifer Blake

Vaccination in Pregnancy

Immunisation pendant la grossesse

Nouveau cours en ligne de la SOGC : « Vaccination pendant la grossesse »

SOGC's Newest Online Course: 'Vaccination and Pregnancy'

Dr. Jon Barrett explains his own 'recipe for a career in research!'

IUC from A to Z

Approches non pharmacologiques de soulagement de la douleur durant le travail et l'accouchement

Dr. Guy-Paul Gagné on Non-Pharmacological Approaches for Pain Management During Labour

Indigenous Welcoming Ceremony - ACSC 2018

SOGC New President/Nouvelle présidente 2018 - Linda Stirk

Éliminer le cancer du col de l’utérus d’ici 2030