Все публикации

Quartus Or Gate Simulation Tutorial using Modelsim

FreeRTOS ESP32 2stepper motors spinning different speeds

QueueExample ESP32

FreeRTOS ESP32 LED Blinking at 2 Different speeds

Joystick Controlled 2wheeled Balancing robot

Elegoo Balancing Robot Driving around

Elegoo Balancing Robot

Encoder position print out

Encoder motor controller

Constant movement of the Stepper Motor

Custom PCB made with for ESP32 CAM remote car

Joystick Values wirelessly transmitted across ESP32 and Arduino uno

Motor Controlled by joystick using wireless connection between two ESP32 and Arduino Unos

ESP32 Remote Controlled Car Over WiFi

ESP32-CAM LED light Flashing

ESP32-Cam LED light PWM

ESP32-CAM LED light Button controlled

ZedBoard Zynq-7000 Switch Controlled LED

Zed Board Zynq-7000 Button Controlled LED

ESP32 & MPU6050 Wireless Communication Demonstration

1-Cell Lipo Battery Voltage after Charge

1-Cell Lipo Battery Initial Voltage

ESP32 Wireless real-time Communication

Vibration Cause LED to light up