Все публикации

Indigenous Language Revitalization Panel November 2022

Dr. Kevin Lewis 'kâ-nêyâsihk mihkiwahpa Centre of Excellence Language Immersion Land Based Program'

Elder Dr. Elmer Ghostkeeper - Sounds Create your Worldview

SILR Gathering 2023: Youth Panel Discussion

SILR Gathering March 31: Doreen Daychief

Dorothy Thunder ‘penehiyawe – come speak Cree’

Dr. Jordan Lachler 'Supporting Independent Learners of Indigenous Languages'

Sherryl Sewepagaham 'Reclaiming Musical Voice in Indigenous Language Education'

Wayne Jackson 'Nêhiyawê Cultural Institute - Supporting Language Immersion'

Session 1A: Dr. Belinda Daniels 'nēhiyaw language immersion camp'

Keynote: Dr. Jessie Sylvestre 'land is medicine, land is healing, land speaks to us'

Indigenous Language Sharing Series - Dr. Belinda Daniels

Indigenous Language Sharing Series: Kevin Lewis

Colonial Intersectionalities: Experience of Indigenous Peoples across the two lands

Indigenous Language Sharing Series May 26, 2022

YIWCL (Young Indigenous Women's Circle of Leadership) 2015

Indigenous Language Sharing Series April 21 2022

SILR Workshop: February 24, 2022 (Cultural Arts & Technology)

SILR Workshop: - February 24, 2022 (Cultural Arts & Technology in Language Revitalization)

Indigenous Language Proficiency Assessments: Implications for Canadian Post-Secondary Education