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27 December 2024

Kthimi i Mbreteris ne Blete DADO !!!🐝🐝 #beesafe #savethebees #saveourbees #beekeeping #farming

We stay inside in rainy day 🥰🥰 🐝🐝🐝 #bee #saveourbees #beekeeping #savethebees #honey

Bees after rain 🥰🏠 #beekeeper #beesafe #bee #beekeeping #saveourbees #farming #honey

Bees on winter 😍🥰 #saveourbees #beesafe #beekeeping #savethebees #farming #bee #honey #beekeepers

Pranimi i mbretereshes se fekonduar ne koshere !

Comment below what do u think about honeybee ! 🍯🍯🐝🐝 #saveourbees #beesafe #bee #beesweet #beewashing

Gjendja e koshereve para sezonit te dimrit !

Sunset time with bees🐝🍯 #beeslife #beeculture #beefarming #honey #beekeeper #beekeeping #savethebees

Rendesia e Kateve te dyta mbas mjaltit ! / The importance of the second levels at hives after honey!

Luftimi i Varroas mbas vjeljes se mjaltit / Fighting Varroa after the harvesting honey !

Caption from Vjelja e Mjaltit 🐝🐝 #beeculture #beekeeper #beefarming #beeslife #honey #beekeeping

Heqja e vulosjes 🐝🍯 #beeculture #beekeeper #beefarming #beeslife #honey #beekeeping #savethebees

Proçesi i plotë i vjeljes së mjaltit !

real honey 🐝🐝 #beeculture #beekeeper #beefarming #beeslife #savethebees #beekeeping #beemanagement

eeemmm yummy honey 🤭🐝 #beefarming #beeculture #beesting #animalhusbandry #honey #beelife #beekeeping

uorki uorki 🫶🥰🐝 #beeculture #beefarming #beesting #honey #beelife #beekeeping #savethebees #beelover

Are they looking for water 🌡🐝🐝 #beeculture #beefarming #beesting #honey #beelife #beekeeping #bee

Vjelja e Mjaltit / Bletari Xibrraku 20/07/24

Bees in afternoon 🐝🐝🫶 #bee #beehive #beeculture #honeybee #beefarming #beesting #beelife #beekeeping

out of hives because of temp🌡🌡 #bee #beeculture #beehive #beefarming #beelover #beekeeping #honey

high temp 🐝🔥🌡🌡 #bee #beefeater #beeculture #beefarm #manvsbee

what are they eating 😇❤️🐝🐝 #bee #beefeater #beeculture #beesmatter #beeweek #beeeater #beenews

Ready for larva's 🐝🐝 #larvalabs #giantworm #beeculture #beefarming #beekeeping #bee #honey #farming