Все публикации

HESI Global Forum 2024: Hilary Beckles Delivers the Keynote Address

Strengthening Gender Equality in Generative AI : UNAI side event for #CSW68

Higher Education and Multilateralism: Teaching and Researching about the United Nations

Joint Webinar on the Implementation of the SDGs in Higher Education

UNAI SDGs Workshop 'Advancing Refugee Inclusion Through the 2030 Agenda'

Taller UNAI sobre los ODS: Migración y desarrollo sostenible

Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) and Higher Education: A Space for Gender Equality

Le Programme de développement durable à l’horizon 2030 et la contribution des universités

[In Spanish] Trabajando por el Medio Ambiente con las Naciones Unidas

Video Message of Melisa Fleming, United Nations Under-Secretary-General for Global Communications

UNAI SDGs Workshop 'International Justice and Goal 16: Beyond the Targets'

Fighting Hate Speech: Global Perspectives

UNAI #SDGsWorkshop 'Impactful Research towards the 2030 Agenda'

Briefing - Humanitarian Impact of the War in Ukraine: Response from Universities

[In Spanish] Taller UNAI sobre los ODS: La Agenda 2030 y la contribución de las universidades

UNAI #SDGsWorkshop 'SDGs Off-Campus: Engaging with the Community'

Youth Innovation in the Decade of Action: Stories from Universities

UNAI #SDGsWorkshop 'SDGs in College Curricula: Mainstreaming & Mapping'

UNAI #SDGsWorkshop 'SDG Progress: On-Campus and Beyond'

United Nations Academic Impact 11th Anniversary

United Nations Day 2021: What Does UN Mean To You?

Webinar in Portuguese language: Cidades sustentáveis: o que aprendemos com a COVID 19

General Assembly and Youth: Heitor Torres, Permanent Mission of Brazil to the United Nations