Все публикации

Ignite Presentations - DevOpsDays Rockies - 4/18/2018 - (Denver, Colorado)

Tom McLaughlin - Exploring the myths, fears, and preparing for crash landing when going serverless

Rizchel Dayao - Why Kubernetes: Finding the Best Solution for You

James Bowes - Higher-Order Deployments: Reducing Boilerplate w/ Kubernetes

Beau Christensen - Going Multi-Master: Making Practical Decisions When Building Distributed Systems

Matthew Boeckman - Useful Flakes: The Value of Common Tools

Corey Quinn - Terrible Ideas in Git

Christine Rohacz - Scaling CI/CD

Ignite Presentations - DevOpsDays Rockies - 4/17/2018 - (Denver, Colorado)

Erik Rygg - Manage SSH With HashiCorp Vault

Ado Kukic - A Token Walks Into A SPA...

Meera Subbarao - Know Your Enemy, And Yourself: Demystifying Threat Modeling

AJ Davis - No jobs for humans: How to survive and thrive the transition to the all robot workforce.

Leigh Capili - Engineering with a Growth Mindset

Kris Nova - Moving an enterprise monolith to Kubernetes

Michael Stahnke - Is Devops Success a Potemkin village

Curtis Yanko - The Difference Between DevOps and Everything Else

Pete Cheslock - Pick any Three: Good, Fast, and Safe. DevOps from Scratch.