Все публикации

Jinx walks into 10 Jhin traps

Udyr runs from base with 2000 MS to save his teammate

Udyr runs 1000 mph to help his team

Lux recalls safely away from 2000 MS Udyr in his base

Jinx farms safely far away from 2000 MS New Udyr

Udyr zooooooooooooooooooooooom

Udyr never forgot how Karma perma kited him

New Udyr brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

Udyr runs over whole map to help Ekko

Udyr 9 sec base to base

New Udyr can't die ez 2v3

2000 MS Udyr runs to enemy base to kill Lux

300 AD Garen One Shots Montage

Fully charged Sion Q

Sion clutch escape

Sett 1000 True Damage W

Twitch with Cho Ult

When you make a mistake of doing damage to Sett

Big Twitch with Cho Ult

Samira taking her 20 minutes to kill 3 tanks

100% Missing HP Heal - Goredrinker Bug

Master Yi is a hard champ meme

Jhin with Cho ult is assassin

Mundo's runs for his life when he sees gimple of Vayne