Все публикации

Here's that Death By Glamour cover I promised

I tried to recreate Death by Glamour from memory

Theme of a video game area that makes you cry

Song that plays when you get off at the wrong bus stop

Theme that plays when dudes find a cool stick

We should show this song to a small victorian child

I Made a Boss Theme Out of My Trash Can

Song That Plays When You Stand up Too Fast and Get Dizzy

Song That Plays When the Fire Level Is Hot....but So Are You

Making an Anime Intro Theme (Explained in 5 Minutes)

Song That Plays When You Try to Summon Santa, but You’re Dyslexic

Song That Plays When You Get a Weird Private Message

Song That Plays When You Have a Comeback...5 Years Later

Song That Plays When You’re Winning an Argument

Song That Plays When You’re Locked in an Anime Battle of Wits

Song That Plays When You Fight Your Enemies (But You’re Super Edgy)

Song That Plays When the Main Character Has Their Redemption Arc a Little Too Late

Attempting to Make a Final Boss Theme Song

Attempting to Make a Chiptune/Video Game Rock Theme

Song That Plays When the Main Character Has a Redemption Arc

Hi Hello I'm Alive (Shady Cicada Update Video)

Song That Plays When You Have to Battle 2021

Song That Plays When You’re Fighting Your Friend for the Last Braincell

Song That Plays When You Meet Eyes With a Goose and Don’t Know What to Do