Все публикации

Welcome to Vienna🫶🏼

Summer swimming, and playing!

Emily’s journey in Romania!

Emily’s holiday❤️

Emily and Alex trying a vr headset!🙌🏼


This view! 🌞😍🌅

Go follow my new TikTok account🙈 https://www.tiktok.com/@emilytube21?_t=8dgahbok8Xj&_r=1

Summer!! 🌞😍

Golden hour


Summer bike rides in England☀️

A Day in the Life of Emily Tube | A fun day with Emily and the KookyLoos

Fun Fashion Show Summer 2022 featuring the KookyLoos

Learn Colors with Balls \ Funny video for kids

Kids Amusement Park -TOYS (Roller Coasters, Bumper Cars and More)2

Kids Playing in the Water - swimming pool

Teletubbies playing with Kinetic Sand - teletubbies bath time

Dolls Jumping in the Water - Learn colours

Emily Playing with cats and Dolls

Ride on Car 4X4 - the wheels on the bus

the wheels on the bus

Cute Little Kittens Playing - Cats Ride on Bus

The wheels on the bus / ride on yellow Bus