💥 Gabby Petito TRAGEDY - Brian Laundrie Body Cam Footage Body Language Analysis

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Breaking News: body found in Grand Tenton Park Wyoming matching that of Gabby Petito. "Earlier today, human remains were discovered consistent with the description of Gabrielle Gabby Petito," FBI Denver field office supervisory senior resident agent Charles Jones said.

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The Behavior Panel comprises the world's top body language and behavior experts: Scott Rouse, Mark Bowden, Chase Hughes, and Greg Hartley. They analyze behavior and body language in videos of public interest. This non-partisan group aims to educate and entertain, focusing on nonverbal communication, deception detection, behavioral analysis, statement analysis, interrogation, and resistance to interrogation. Through careful examination of gestures, expressions, linguistics, and cultural context, they reveal truths and deceptions. The Behavior Panel is prominently featured on The Dr. Phil Show and has its own show on the US TV Network, Merit Street Media.

00:00 Gabby Petito Body Language
00:09 Gabby Petito Case Analysis
04:58 Behavior in Domestic Violence
09:35 Police Interaction Behavior
14:10 Analyzing Comfort Levels
18:08 Calming Police Interaction
22:04 Van Life Lifestyle Showcase
27:02 Stress and Apology
31:28 Defensive Friendly Behavior
36:07 Importance of Distancing
40:23 Couple Pulled Over by Police
44:40 Outcomes of Police Investigation

#GabbyPetito #BrianLaundrie #GabbyPetitoUpdate #truecrime #liedetection #bodylanguage #behavioranalysis #behavioralpsychology #learnbodylanguage #thebehavioralarts #howtoreadpeople #psychology #deception #meritstreet #meritstreetmedia #thebehaviorpanel #bodylanguageanalysis #interrogation #interview
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You missed the crazy making manipulation. The tearing down of her work and self esteem, disrespecting her space and then punishing her for having an emotional response, locking her out of her home and threats of abandonment. Gaslighting her. Physical violence.

Please educate yourselves and/or add women who are experts in this area to the discussion


Everybody seems to lose sight of the fact that the van belongs to Gabby. Brian is locking Gabby out of her car. Brian is making the car dirty and disorganised. Brian is in fact in control of Gabby. Brian is super friendly and compliant and playing the defensive innocent party. He relaxes a lot when he realises the Police are siding with Brian and perceive Gabby as the aggressor.
Family law simply condemns the violent reaction and refuses to consider what provoked the argument. The principle "There is no excuse for violence, " always applies.
I saw Brian as in control and Gabby not in control. As we say, "Butter wouldn't melt in his mouth." Gabby is trying hard but struggling to cope.
The police seemed motivated with political correctness, this time the man had some scratches and the woman seemed unharmed, so they identified with Brian as the victim and the woman may given a restraining order.
Brian did not commit to paying for a hotel room, the police demanded it. It suggests to me that Brian was rather cunning and manipulative, and not caring about Gabby. He got off by being super nice and cooperative.


My career was with abused women, 20 years with victims/survivors of domestic abuse/violence. I also studied criminology & am qualified to work with perpetrators and I see Gabby's anxious behaviour as consistent with her being a victim of abuse from her partner. It's also don't think it's surprising her father didn't think she had OCD. She probably didn't show any signs of it while living at home as it's often a coping mechanism. Her minimising Laundrie's behaviour and taking the blame for everything that's going wrong is typical of DV victims, they don't want others to know what's happening or their partner to be angry. He however, is throwing her under the bus saying that she attacked him and he just "pushed" her away therefore painting her as the aggressor and himself as reasonable, calm and put upon by a hysterical partner. He gives himself away though when he refers to her vlog project as "little", surreptitiously giving away he true opinion of her skills and chance of success.


She is apologizing all over the place- for everything. That’s what people who are abused DO! It’s always MY FAULT. I know. I have been there.


I’m sorry to say, guys, you missed the mark here. A lot of commenters appear to agree. Brian WAS directly blaming Gabby for “assaulting” him. He never took responsibility in the DV incident, and his statements were also inconsistent. He shows a pattern of avoiding admitting culpability. He was also almost giddy when the police told him Gabby was being cited as the assailant. Perhaps his hyper-friendliness was a form of manipulation? A lot of women on here have also shared their own experiences with narcissists. Alas, I’m part of that group. Until “experts” like yourselves earn the signs of DV, our society will continue empowering narcissists.


You need a female's perspective because what I am hearing from you is very much slanted in one way. Some of you come very close to portraying her as a "hysterical female." You also seem to make lots of excuses for him and seem to get into his head interpreting what you think he thinks/feels ("he loves her") while your analyses of her are purely based on her external behaviour. I can tell you from years of experience that she is behaving like a women that has been belittled and is trying to figure out how she should be with a male. She alternates between wanting to show that she is strong but also not wanting to get him upset (maybe why she sounds childlike). This is a woman in an abusive relationship, probably psychologically abusive rather than physical. Also, it seems a majority of you are in very male dominated careers (or come from them) and regimented military ones. This really skews what one's experiences are coloured by, so overall, not a well-rounded group.


Every abuse victim knows that when an outsider sees the abuse the predator punishes the victim for it. Gabby is trying to cover and deescalate so that she doesn't get punished later. As we all know, she still got punished later.


Brian is a Narcissist. Never once does he ask if she's ok. He loved it when they told him he was the victim of domestic abuse. He was smiling so big when he got dropped off at the hotel. This experience validated and empowered him.


Guys, this is nuts. The hyper compliance is weird. Her repeated apologies for his speeding is weird. The fact that he locked her out of her van until she calmed down is alarming. She had to slap him and climb over him to get back in her own van. He is controlling. He is putting her down and twisting her reality and making her think she is crazy. Shoving her face is not ok. This guy is a total Eddie Haskell. Why can’t you guys spot that he is Dr. Jeckyll and Mr. Hyde? His art work is weird. And him not talking to police is sick. It is so bizarre to me that you are calling this a baseline and saying there is no deception here and it’s all basically good. Or are we misunderstanding something here?


Gentlemen, I believe you missed the boat on this one. Even to the untrained eye, this poor young woman was in an abusive relationship. She’d been bullied to the point where she was afraid to say anything which would upset her abuser. You were all so wrong on this one and missed the mark big time.


He locked her out of HER VAN! Not his van! That’s a controlling, emotionally abusive act. If he needed to distance himself, then he should have given her the keys and walked away. Also, her dad said that she had not been diagnosed with OCD. IMHO...He probably called her OCD so many times that she believed it when in reality, her behavior was normal. I was abused by an emotionally abusive man so I see many red flags in this video. So sad.


I'm so relieved I'm not the only one who thinks they missed the mark here, because this seems like a woman who is desperately trying to downplay how upset she is because she's terrified. I have OCD, and people claiming to have it when they don't is something I've thought a lot about (because it drives me a little crazy). I've noticed that people who claim to have OCD do so in order to justify that they need or want something that they feel they shouldn't need or want--or have been told they shouldn't need or want. The story she tells is that she was cleaning the van and her boyfriend got upset, so it must be her fault because she has OCD. The idea that he would be mad at her for cleaning the van makes no sense, and it makes no sense to her, either, so she assumes she must be crazy. This goes right along with her trying to placate her boyfriend and lessen his anger--which is exactly what she does when they first get pulled over, saying, "I distracted him." She takes the blame in order to placate him.


Well I hope "Part 2" involves you admitting that you were completely wrong and missed SO many red flags. I hope you acknowledge that you have an enormous knowledge gap when it comes to the dynamics of narcissistic abuse, and that you all immediately endeavour to educate yourselves. I hope you also apologise to the millions who are harmed and killed in abusive relationships, as you have contributed to the harmful narrative that enables this to keep happening again and again and again unchecked.
I doubt that you'll do any of that, but I sincerely hope you all spend some time on self reflection, and at least have the decency to never contribute to this false, uninformed narrative again.


You guys have missed so many red flags. This guy is the classic act of a domestic abuser. Trying to minimize the situation and acting like Mr. Goody Two-Shoes and portraying Gabby as unstable and needed to take time out. He’s a insecure, jealous and doesn’t want her to be successful, because then someday she will leave his worthless ass.


I think the saddest part of this video is when Gabby tells the cop "he doesnt believe I can do any of it". 😭 If any young women see this comment, your partner will be your biggest fan if they really love you. Your partner should believe you can do anything you want and help you on your way, not discredit your dreams. ❤


Y'all need training on how to spot abused women who self blame to avoid triggering more abuse. This video didn't age well at all.


As someone who was raised by a narcissist who constantly gaslighted me, the bodycam footage was very difficult to watch. You guys all missed the red flags. My former stepparent was calm, collected, charming...always knew exactly what to say. Doctors, teachers, and other adults never believed me when I told them I was being mistreated at home, once they met him and he showed him how "stable" and "wonderful" he was. I'm sad that someone with trauma can notice red flags that professionals completely missed.


“He doesn’t really believe that I can do any of it “ & “she’s trying to start up her little website” broke my heart.


I was surprised that no one mentioned that people with generally low self-esteem tend to apologize over and over again, especially in women.


How wrong y’all got this one and this goes hand in hand with the police getting it wrong. What they all have in common is their gender. All these highly skilled men could Not recognize a woman in obvious distress, that is shocking. And shows how men if they want to be taken seriously in these professions need to educate themselves on domesticated violence and coercive control. Brian Laundrie played you all like a fiddle . A total Disaster for everyone involved.
