The BEST Fame Farm For Beginners - Albion Online New Players Fame Farming Guide 2023

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Are you a new player wanting to know the best possible way to fame farm? This beginners guide will teach you how the most efficient way to fame farm in 2023. This method of fame farming will quickly level up your character so that you can get to the more fun parts of the game, but also set you up so that you can fame farm much faster than 99% of the population. This is the absolute fastest way a player can fame farm in Albion Online. I go over the items, build, gear, and strategy on how to fame farm as fast as possible for new players as well as intermediate and experienced players.

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Title: The BEST Fame Farm For Beginners - Albion Online New Players Fame Farming Guide 2023

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I kinda regret it, you were not my first Albion content creator that i watch. So many people hate you with no reason, i got fed up by those until i watched your video myself. You have great guide videos. Keep it up Benji 👊


Damn I wanted to "listen" to this video while playing, but too many good on screen details, so I HAVE to watch it. I was always farming further away just to have less peeps, more mobs, and possibly some bosses here and there.I noticed the silver increase but I thought it was due to my faction ranks leveling up.

So once again, thanks for explaining EVERY little details and not skipping over details like many do. I also never hovered my mouse on the faction indicator, so I never noticed that detail until you do it on screen. Jeeze, you really know how to teach peeps 💖.
Very underrated skill in the YT community. To me, it's much more important than licking the devs or company smelly bottom area 🤣

The Thetford cape though, I love it, but when you are a new player, it got me in trouble sometimes by pulling more than I could chew 😁


Probably my most favorite video i've watched from you so far. Recently started Albion and felt lost on what to do. And what I love about this video is that this gave me a goal to work towards. Thank you for this Benji. Please keep uploading more content


i jst started the game in asia server a week ago, and watched ur video about new player i would say its pretty helpful, gatehring, roaming mob, and as soon i hit t8 gear ill try static dung, thx ben for the tips


Thank fuck you're here for us solo players bro.. otherwise id js be wandering around like an idiot. Much love


I swear yt keeps the best videos away from. First time seeing a great video after almost 3 mos of playing without watching any videos on fame farming. 6:30 I'm so bad I didn't even know I can do this LOL. NOW I CAN FARM FASTER!


Hey Swolebenji. I’m new. I was wondering how you get like 2 million game per hour on the open world mobs. I’m doing them at the moment following your advice but I’ve only gotten like 2.6 million fame in a few days farming there. I’m using light cross bow.


Only thing i have to say is that you should go to the barbaric camps instead of the undead camps, reasoning being the undead have that nasty anti heal debuff. I think this video is great so I am going to share it with my guild.


Thanks man, veteran player but still learning


Tryd to Farm statics solo, the amount of DMG i Deal is so Low that i can at Maximum Tank 2-3 Mobs...did they Nerf the Set or buff the Mobs?


Hey man u play how you want either way ur videos are huge help the the community


Why do people hate in you beacause you play the game? Ganking is part of the game, just because you got ganked by him doesn't mean he makes bad content, imo this is the best albion channel for beginners and experienced players.


I am a New player starting out, this video is very helpful to me Thank your for the Valuable Information.


Man you got a new sub, I like how you speak the things !! thank you for the info!


Is axe(bear paws) good in fame farming?


Great video! Very detailed oriented and it brings "Facts" that back up your arguments. Keep doing it!


i cant afford shadowcaller 8.3 or 8.4 is a 7.3 or a 7.4 good replacement?


Hey benji I dont know if u will see this but how long realistically itll take me to reach t8 on bows by farming red zone open world mobs faction flagging? How many hours approximately


is T7 gear enough? there is differens of many M of silver between T7 and T8 gear.

Can you take a shot of differens between T4.1 with 0 and 100 spec?


thankyou benji this is the info that i need cuz im a spec 93 on a quarterstaff and its finds me boring to max it out on open world hahahaha
