Angel of God (Tenten's Bedtime Prayer) | English Prayer For Kids

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Prayer is a way to build a relationship with God. Teaching children to pray helps them to understand that God is always accessible and always there for them. Encouraging kids in this will help make them passionate about their faith.

We need to be intentionally teaching our kids how to pray even with a simple prayer.

As they are completely overwhelmed by life, they need to know how to pray.

Children can start learning to pray even before they can speak in coherent sentences simply by watching you pray and by inviting them to pray with you as best they can. Once a child can communicate verbally, they can learn to pray on their own, either out loud or silently.

As with any good habit, I want to reinforce prayer to Tenten as a regular part of her life as early as possible.

#kidsprayer #angelofgod #kidsbedtimeprayer
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