Computer Networking - Kurose Ross Lecture 1

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Chapter 1 - Week 2 lecture 1
4.1 Introduction to the Network Layer
1.7 History of Computer Networking, and Chapter 1 (Introduction to Networking) wrap-up.
1.2 The network edge
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3.2 Transport layer multiplexing and demultiplexing
5.1 Introduction to the Network-layer Control Plane
2.6 Video Streaming and Content Distribution Networks
1.5 Layering, encapsulation
2.4 The Domain Name System (DNS)
3.5-1 TCP Reliability, Flow Control, and Connection Management
2.1 Principles of the Application Layer
1.3 The network core
3.1 Introduction and Transport-layer Services
2.2 The Web and HTTP (part 1)
5.2 Routing algorithms: link state routing
2.3 Email
4.3 The Internet Protocol, part 2
4.3 The Internet Protocol, part 1
1.4 Performance
Web tracking, 3rd party cookies, GDPR
1.6 Networks Under Attack
6.1 Introduction to the Link Layer
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