SPOTLIGHT:USF4: Gokumah (Akuma) With EXCLUSIVE interview [TrueHD]

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1) What is your real name? My name is Rob.

2) Where are you from? I'm from Ohio.

3) How Old are you? I'm 22 years young.

4) What are your hobbies? I enjoy learning about entrepreneurship and business finance. In my free time, I read whatever I can get my hands on. I'm also interested in creating things; I'm working on a novel right now. The title of it is "Clean Cut." I love debating about politics and, of course, I also enjoy playing Street Fighter.

5) Whats your top 3 Main characters in SF? Akuma and Ryu are actually my only two characters. In Street Fighter 5, I will avoid ranked matches for the first year while learning the entire cast. Seeing as how counter picking is the new "thing," I'll be prepared! I plan to attend tournaments for that game.

6) How long do you practice per day/been playing SF? I don't get to practice much because of school. I really get a lot of practicing in during Summer Break.

7) Who is your favorite player/look up to in the FGC that also uses your main?

**Want to know who Gokumah looks up to? Click link below for the info!! :)

16) Any shout out you would like to give? First, I would like to shout out Kaizen Master and FNEX Raven. When I was some scrub flailing away online, Kaizen messaged me and offered to train me. Over the next few months to a year, I'd became a lot stronger and met a good friend. He's one of the strongest players in the world (he probably will be too humble to admit it lol) and has helped plenty of players like myself. After training with him, I ran into my good friend, FNEX Raven. Immediately, I thought to myself, "who in the world is this?" He had pro level skills that I'd seldom witnessed at the time. I reached out to him and he was kind enough to give me advice. I don't remember how exactly (lol), but we became great friends outside of SF. I talk to him pretty much every day now. He's taught me innumerable pro level tactics and has bodied me countless times for implementing them correctly xD.
I also want to shout out The Dark Hado Army and Ultra Street Fighter 4 Facebook groups! Soon enough, the entire FGC will know the name Dam Docta. He pretty much runs The Dark Hado Army and puts out plenty of tech for the members. More importantly, he's an all around great guy. Random: Shout out to my dad for being awesome lol.

1) Why the Gamer Tag? I just mixed Gouki and Akuma together. The "h" at the end just fits to me.

2) What attracted you to (your main/s)? Once I saw Akuma throw a fireball in the air, I was hooked.

3 )How can people reach you? You can reach me on XBL @ Gokumah!

✓ If you want to send me a message/replays for a game, my GT is AKumahMatata for ALL platforms. e.g. XBL, PSN, Nintendo


Рекомендации по теме

He's certainly gotten much better since we last played, nicely done ^_^


That hazanshu punish was godlike! Good shit!


Cross-up tatsus, empty jump and shimmy throw. That was just Round 1, jesus.


Yo Gokumah, it's Lup3n xTHEx 3rd. Congrats on the highlight video, well deserved cause your play is so solid. I wish we could play more but my internet sucks so much lol. How did you get so good in such a short time? Not saying I'm bad, just you are better than me and I've been playing this game since Super. Is Kaizen Master willing to share his teachings to anyone or do I have to prove myself lol?


What's up, everyone? My Fighter ID for SFV is "IPPman."


And thank you Olympic for making this video.


Wow I remember playing you a lot Gokumah. I don't see you very often any more. Did you move to SF5?


He shows a lot of confidence in his game. Learned a lot from this and I don't even like watching Akuma matches lol
