Clint Eastwood's core values in Gran Torino

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After getting screwed by California filmmakers who disliked Clint Eastwood, Casey decided to carefully examine the core values of the car film Gran Torino. Instagram @caseyputsch
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Hollywood hates on Clint because he is a conservative politically and goes against the narrative Hollywood is pushing. Great insight on the movie.


Sorry this isn’t my best YouTube video guys, but I hope it gave you something positive to think about.


What a great point Casey, I'm an immigrant myself and the fact so many Americans ignore the core values on which this great nation was built on breaks my heart.


Character is something you cannot buy.


What a great commentary on a good movie. I now have to see it again.


I’ve been a *huge* Eastwood fan since a child, and it wasn’t solely for the films he’s starred in or created. It’s was also for his many commendable actions outside of the studio.

Clint is an American treasure it’ll truly be a sad day when he passes.


LOVE 'Gran Torino'. I'm about 15yrs from being him with my '67 F-100 and GREEN '65 Galaxie.


I teared up several times listening to your recounting the movie. The fact that you get that film so deeply is precisely what I was talking about before with your integrity. Thank you for making this video.


I don't usually watch movies such as Gran Torino, but I had to see this movie, and was floored by how great, and prophetic it really is. I have a copy of the movie, as I loved it so much, and wish that more people could learn from it. Clint is really a wise, and intelligent man, who needs to be celebrated, more rather than dispised.


Casey, this is one of my favorite movies and Clint is one of my favorite actors. I'm so glad that you understand the message this movie was presenting to the viewers. This movie makes me angry and makes me tear up as well, my wife doesn't want me to watch it too often because it raises my blood pressure she thinks.And that Torino and the old Ford F100 he drives are awesome too. I've owned several of those bodystyle trucks myself.


I cried Casey, I cried. Remarkable movie. I know what you mean when you say you can't watch this movie to often. I saw Million Dollar Baby once, just once. I refuse to watch it again. Genius! Clint is a great man, and he has made the best movies ever.


One of the greatest complements is ever got what due to this movie! At the time I was teaching auto repair at the local community college, a student asked if I saw grand torino, I said no I am not much of a ford guy. He said Clint Eastwood's character reminds me of you. Well at that I had to rent the movie and see if he was going to pass the next test! I rented it, two days later bought it! To this day I feel that was one of the greatest complements I ever got. The student and I are still friends and he work at my shop part time for extra money. I still try to treat him like a son and mentor him, and we have developed a mutual respect for each other some 10 years plus later!!!!


Casey you genius. I've known that I like this movie, but the way you mentioned that this is a movie that you avoid seeing because it does hold many truths, really does hit home. It's horrible seeing the bad guy win, but the kid driving his new GTO does serve as great justice.


Casey's channel seemed like it was gonna be about simple fun, but theres a theme to his videos, care about the youth, the future, and those around you. I appreciate this alot


The silent majority needs to be less silent. Polls have been inaccurate in predicting some major events lately, so that lets me know there's a broad understanding of the values shared in the Grand Torino movie and persons such as yourself. Silent, maybe. When actions are needed, they are there.


So you're saying you are Clint and Hamsters the kid. Ok where's that Gran Torino stashed. Sadly, idiocracy is also a relevant movie that is becoming a reality


I’m just some shitty teen who watched your videos because I think you are a man I hope to be someday, but after watching that movie it was the first movie that actually made me tear up. Idk why. thanks for making your videos dude


Thanx Casey, I paused you and watched the movie tonight. Thanx for making a grown man cry😓 This movie is right on point.


Gran Torino was a great movie, an unapologetically racist but not prejudicial, but was a goddamn hero. When he pulls out his hand cannon and scares off the hooligans was one of my favorite scenes, apart from the will reading.


I liked Gran Torino and actually had a 72 Ranchero as a car/parts hauler in my youth. The first "Pick em UP" I ever owned....Had 13 second 65 El Camino and SS350 El Camino afterwards....thankfully I now have a "Dirty Max" as a car/parts hauler thanks to success in a building trade. But I stopped riding street motorcycles in my former state of California after one too many close calls with "new citizen" drivers many of whom I'm sure had no license or insurance and certainly no regards for laws of operating a motor vehicle. Our existing immigration laws should be enforced! Sadly they aren't.
