Part 5 – Are these biblical contradictions debunked?

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I think I've truly learned more about the Bible since I discovered Dan's channel about a year ago than I think I have the entire rest of my life combined. Dan, if you read this comment, I want you to know I am so grateful for your shared knowledge.


That conclusion was perfect. They aren't trying to create believers, only to reassure those who already believe and are in danger of engaging their critical thinking.


The original poster is like some yoga master! All bending over backwards he has to do to get to his point is amazing!


I wish those apologists would try to be honest and not such disingenuous liars.


There was a time in which this kind of video would have severely damaged my faith. I was completely obsessed with apologetics. I would literally stay up at nights until 4am wrestling with these contradictions so that my whole faith would not crumble under scrutiny. But now my faith is not dependent on the Biblical inerrancy and it has made all of the difference.


He's really working out that whole "it's not a contradiction because I've arbitrarily assumed ahead of time that it can't be" approach instead of the more commonly preferred "it's not a contradiction because I have something genuinely convincing to say about that problem" method one would expect. A real trail blazer in new methodologies.


This kind of apologetic structure feels quite dangerous to the faith to me. When you make things like univocality and inerrancy part of the doctrine, you need to defend them against criticism, but it also builds somewhat of a house of cards which stands on ever-shakier ground the more detached it has to become from basic logic.


The retreat of the Gods from mountain tops, to heaven, to non-corporeal, to outside of space and time. If I were a critical thinker, I might see a pattern here. 🤔


The mental gymnastics must be exhausting.


Apologists are so ridiculous. They are both face liars.


I was going to ask you about Francesca's book, glad to see you included it. I swear Xtians have no clue about what they are believing in. I remember your dialogues with Heiser. Sad to hear he passed recently.


Nothing is harder to explain in the Christian worldview than the Bible itself.


Thanks again for history lesson. Really appreciate your content.!


The intended audience needs a soft blanket, warm milk and someone to tell them it's okay. They don't have to exercise reason or logic because -- magic!


Excellent conclusion and also very kind in your approach these times around.


Best way I can understand this, is like God is the sun, or fresh snow. Due to the brightness and beauty, its hard to look at for a prolonged amount of time before you have to blink or shield your eyes.


Wow, that "argument" was so pathetic it makes McDowell look like an actual scholar


Much better, really like this one placing God's visibility in context with the times.


I just figured that time he told Moses he’d only see him from behind, it was because he was the moon god…


I actually have personally met Ryan (the host in NeedGod.nets videos), and I have to say that talking to him about Christianity was an incredibly unpleasant experience. I was trying to help him to understand the perspective of an athiest, who cares about others and is honestly just doing their best to go through life, but just hasn't been convinced of Christianity. "Non resistent non belief" and such. I was getting at the very basic idea of "imagine an athiest who lives their life doing good to the best of their ability, but is just unconvinced of the truth Christianity. Do you think it is just to burn that person in hell forever, whilst some paedophile serial killer who found Jesus in their 60s inherets eternal life in heaven?" And the answer I'd always get was "Nothing you could do before being born could deserve or entitle you to life, so God can justly do whatever he wants to you. You were born in sin, deserving eternal suffering, and God doesnt owe anyone grace from that."

It was such a blatant and repugnant thought-terminating cliche, and I was honestly sturggling to believe that his ilk would just bite the bullet on that. That the world could just be this conveyor belt of innocent babies into hellfire, with God able to save as many as he wanted, and at the same time there is no injustice if God randomly picks which ones to take of the conveyor belt. They aren't looking to hold a reasonable belief, they are content being the elect few that will recieve salvation, carrying out bad faith propoganda as a way of reassuring themselves that they are indeed chosen. In their dogna, evangelism and good deeds are explicitly the fruit of their salvation, not the cause. God has already chosen everyone he will save, so from their point of view any effort they take is just trying to gain some confidence that they aren't facing hellfire.
