Introduction - Machine Learning # 1
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This is the first lecture of the series entitled “Machine Learning with TensorFlow & Scikit-learn”, we will introduce what Machine Learning is, along with many of its useful applications and use cases. This lecture is outlined as follows:
00:00:00 Introduction
00:00:19 What is Machine Learning ?
00:06:05 Why Machine Learning ?
00:15:07 AlphaZero AI
00:16:24 Types of Machine Learning
00:16:53 Supervised Learning
00:18:39 Unsupervised Learning
00:26:15 Semi-supervised Learning
00:28:14 Reinforcement Learning
00:29:46 epsilon-Learning on the fly
00:30:09 Batch Learning
00:31:36 Online Learning
00:35:04 Instance-based Learning
00:36:05 Model-based Learning
00:36:14 Does Money make people happy ?
00:41:04 What could go wrong ?
00:51:29 Feature Engineering
00:52:33 Overfitting
00:54:04 Sampling Noise
00:56:26 Regularization
01:01:17 Testing & Validating
01:06:41 Outro
Instructor: Dr. Ahmad Bazzi
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Microsoft OneNote
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