'The Hindu' Analysis for 18th June, 2019 (Current Affairs for UPSC/IAS)

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In this lecture, we discuss the important news articles for 18th June, 2019. The aspirants are advised to watch the entire video lecture for better understanding. Follow the link to read the Comprehensive News Analysis as well.

1) Eastern Rajasthan Canal Project (ERCP)
2) Unleashing the potential of urban India (02:42)
3) Across sectors, over time (15:46)
4) Cyberchondria (25:34)
5) Walking the trash talk (27:40)
6) Practice Questions (28:48)



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The Video Lecture covers the detailed analysis of the Daily Newspaper. All the important articles and editorials of 'The Hindu' are covered strictly from the UPSC/IAS examination point of view.
The Video Lecture can be helpful for aspirants appearing for Bank PO/IBPS/CAT/SSC and other competitive examinations.

Understand the complete UPSC/IAS Syllabus here

Happy Learning!
Рекомендации по теме

1) Eastern Rajasthan Canal Project (ERCP)
2) Unleashing the potential of urban India (02:42)
3) Across sectors, over time (15:46)
4) Cyberchondria (25:34)
5) Walking the trash talk (27:40)
6) Practice Questions (28:48)


The 74th Constitutional Amendment Act had been passed to facilitate democratic decentralization in the Indian polity and establishing a more participative, responsive democratic governance structure in urban India.However, Muncipal Administration in India has been only partially successful in exploiting rapid urbanisation owing to structural and operational challenge s.

1) The Municipal Organization were supposed to be the third tier of our democracy, however the State Administration has desisted from transferring vital functions to Muncipalties other than those specified as mandatory provisions in 74CAA.
2. Administrative Machinery is highly fragmented with absence of clear cut demarcation of roles -eg.Bellandur lake cleanup held up owing to jurisdictional issues between various authorities.

Operational Issues:
1. Lack of adequate funds owing to limited devolution of financial powers has resulted in Muncipalties dependent on State Grants.
2. Limited availability of trained Human resources with subject experts in Muncipalties to effect evidence based urban planning.
3 .State Government interference in local administration.
4.Lack of awareness amongst the citizens evidenced in low voter turnout in municipal election s which has failed to hold the elect Representatives responsible.

On the lines of Cooperative Federalism, the State Government need to ensure Cooperative Sub Federalism. Modelled on London's City Deals there must be adequate devolution of power to provide funds, functions and functionaries for successful implementation of 74th CAA in letter and spirit.


According to a study by UN says India is on the brink of urban revolution, as by 2030 India's urban population will reach 600 million. In keeping with the accelerating pace of urbanization, current state of urban local bodies or Municipalities need to be revamped to ensure sustainable development of these urban centres.

Challenges faced by Municipal Administration

*Structural Challenges
○ Incomplete implementation of 74th CAA: Local governance being a state subject, many states have shown reluctance to implement the provisions of 74th CAA to make municipalities a participatory, responsive and democratic institutions of governance.
○ Less devolution of power: Although Schedule 12 of the Constitution provides a list of 18 items where municipalities can regulate the affairs of the urban centres, there have been a lack of political will to strengthen the municipalities to administer in those areas.
○ Toothless Mayor
○ States interferences in municipality's work through Executive Officers/Municipal Commissioners
○ Fragmented structure of state departments and municipalities and overlapping functions and roles e.g. Bellandur lake cleaning project in Bangalore.

*Operational Challenges
○ Lack of Funds
○ Lack of Coordination with other institutions and departments of the State
○ Lack of skilled Human resources and Capacity building: Even when funds are available, municipalities are unable to utilize it because of lack of capacity to execute the projects under different schemes.

As India is on the path of becoming the most populated urban centre of the world, issues related to the proper administration will also rise and hence there is a need to restructure the municipalities and streamline their operations.


An humble request to byjuys team please bring back sarmad sir.Because other guys also brings good content some brings better but the best content and dna is done by one nd only Sarmad sir


The 74th Amendment Act, also known as the Nagarpalika Act, has given constitutional status to the municipalities and brought them under the justifiable part of the constitution. States were put under constitutional obligation to adopt municipalities as per system enshrined in the constitution. Due to the operational and structural issues the municipal administration has not been able to attain the desirable and potential standards of economy.

1. As a result of the fragmented governance at the local level, there's this lack of coordination, due to which all the different bodies and institutions fail to take care of a particular function.
2.The state government fails to delegate the power and freedom to address the key issues at the local level to the municipal administration, due to which the growth and development of the particular area is hindered.

1.There's a lot of intervention of the state government in the municipal administration, due to which the functioning of the same, becomes difficult.
2.The procrastination of important issues take place due to lack of authority and lack of freedom in decision making.
3.Corruption remains the major issue. Hence, the citizens hesitate to approach the administration easily and are in the fear of getting exploited.
4.The human resources lack training, expertise and sincerity in their respective fields.

- The state govt. should initiate the delegation of responsibilities and freedom in decision making to the local administration as soon as possible following the UK City Deals model.
- Adequate training for communication skills and work in their respective fields should be provided.

PS: This is my first attempt in writing the practice question. Constructive criticism is welcomed.😊


The 74th amendment act, 1992 has provided a constitutional status to municipalities and made provisions relating to urban local bodies. With the increase in the urban population, there is an increase in the challenges faced by the municipal corporations especially in the metropolitan cities.
Causes of the challenges :
1.Lack of participation of public in local bodies.
2.Bureaucracy incompetence.
3.Too many regulatory authorities for a particular body.
4.Lack of coordination among central, state and local bodies.
5.Devolution of funds. etc.,
How can this be solved?
1.Constituting an MPC ie., Metropolitan Planning Commission in every metropolitan city that has at least 1million of population.
2.Commitee should consists of 2/3 rd elected members from the local bodies.
3.Inspired by the UK based model for local governance, ie., giving power to one single person ie., Mayor as the representative and to make him/her execute the functions properly.
Way forward :
In a fast growing economy like ours with ever increasing population, it is important to integrate responsibilities at the local level and not to disintigrate it with too many regulating bodies, instead fully decentralise them with single authority.

Someone please evaluate my answer. Suggestions are always welcome.
Thank u.


UPSC example too good in third article ☺️ 🙂 👏. That's Byjus Simplifying things.


Sir please clarify the words such as examine, critically examine, . Analyse, critically analyse etc


Certain initiatives can leave an ever lasting impression and a better democratically decentralised municipal administration is such a great step in India's urbanisation and also play's a crucial role in fuelling growth.
The 74th CA act, 1992 also known as Nagarpalika act was a major boost which aimed at supplementing the inadequate constitutional provision for local self government. the act also gave constitutional status to urban local bodies and provides for direct election of representatives.
But there are certain issues prevailing in the implementation of the provisions:
1)MPC are expected to lay frameworks for metropolitan governance, but on ground they do not exist in most cases.
2)Acc. to Jannagraha report 9 out of 18 states mandated to form MPC's
3)When constituted, their functionality is questionable.
4)limited role of local elected representatives.
5)provision of MPC not followed and working as an entirely fragmented architecture.
Acc. to global metro monitor report it states that 36% of employment growth and 67% of GDP growth were contributed by the 300 largest global metro. In this report nine Indian metropolitan features in the top 150 with Delhi been ranked 6th in term of best performing metropolitan economies in the world. thus, it is time that India envision the opportunities and grab it with a holistic approach by going for the "City Deal" a UK model for governing metropolis based on a "Competition policy style" approach.
India should also envision the opportunity and challenges from 'city' level to 'city-region' level and also bring in light the Greater Bengaluru Governance bill, 2018 to bring a major breakthrough and help the country to harness its potential.


Thanks a lot sir this is the best channel...I just love to listen it everyday....plz continue the analysis for 2020 prelims...


Sir, at 2:32 in the map it says Parvati river, in the text displayed it says parbati river. Parvati/Parwati is right I believe.


I feel CNA on website and articles discussed here are different most of the times. The difficult ones are made easy. Tqsm.


Every project starts with the strong base.Municipal corporation being the local bodies are the base for the development of any particular area as well as having direct contact with the public . Although it has a place in schedule of Indian constitution by 74 th CAA it faces problems in structural and operational areas.

Structural -
The fragmented structute of the municipal corporation gives responsibility of particular area to different bodies which gives no result due to the lack of cordination between the responsibility holders.
Ex- surat municipal corporation and the fire department were responsible for the fire tragedy which could have been escaped if cordinated properly .

Operational -
*The collection of house water etc taxes by the public should be monitored .
The Municipal corporation should be given more powers by the central goverment so as to fulfill the public demands.
*The ground level corruption during dwelling of the borewells and construction of houses should be punished .
*citizen should be awared and responsible towards the society

The Indian municipal corporation should work as the united kingdom city deals works.


Thank you BYJU'S IAS for daily news, this helps us to get linked with happening around us, Thank you very much..


Thank you for the initiative..much appreciation🙃🙃


The 74 th Constitution Amendment Act gives Municipality constitutional status.It forms the most participative and democratised base of pyramidal three tier govt.structure of India.Municipalities are supposed to take plan and actions on the basis of local issues and further decentralisation of the power happens.But in India they have been partially successful in achieving those .
Structural challenges :
1.Municipalities are supposed to be planner both for short terms and long terms over a particular area issue in consultation with locals .But there has been little scope of that rather they have become executor of various govt.project only .
2.Only mandatory subjects mentioned in 74th CAA has been endowed with municipality. But many other vital decisions making provision ideally should have been vested in the hands of municipality. This failure of not recognizing them as local govt by state has made their role limited .
3.Also fragmented administrative tructure make some jurisdictional issues in deciding matters, thus vital works get delayed like it did happen in case of Bellandur lake clean up process .Here city policy models like UK on City region level structure can be solution.
Operational Challenges :
1.Lack of fund :
Lack of funds has been a major hindrance for municipality to take up even small project as they have not been awarded with realisation of much of financial benefit .They have to rely on state fund only for any kind of work.
2.It is a failure of state not to make them recognise as most powerful and bottom part of our government and governance as very few percentage of voter turn out has been observed in many municipality elections.
3.They are not always enjoying autonomy in decision making for short term and long term project for the development of the particular area.Many a time, there are interference from state govt.
4.Lack of skilled labour and expert to deal with some serious issues like waste management, ecological balance, biodiversity and construction work etc.
Municipality, the local govt.is the only platform for common people to reach their voice directly to the govt according their needs and desires.So this local govt.should be more autonomous and much freedom should be handed in their hands to take instant actions to mitigate any issues or to go for any long term plan for sustainable development on the geopolitical aspects of that particular area.Govt .of india and the people should be thinking a bit to make the bottom most, participative most govt.structure strong enough so that our polity, governance and govt.become a prosperous, democratic, pparticipative one.

Dear friends, I am first time trying to write answer .please correct me where I am wrong and suggest me to improve .
Thanking you .


Our third tier government found it difficult to function effectively due to political interference. It is mainly because the funds and resources required for them is given by state governments. If both are run by different political parties then there will be a suppression from state govt. The details monitoring from CAG is required for this.


Thanks a lot. Awesome video for ias aspirants


With ur dialy newz analysis can u start with some motivational quotes of 5sec . Coz it’s help us to get motivate


Q: municipal administration in India faces both structural and operational challenges.examine in context of the post 74th CA act?
Ans: Introduction:-
In India local self government are not new.They exists in olden days also.Cholas were the important rulers who gave importance to local bodies.lord rippon is described as the "Father of local self government institutions".
▶️74th CA act1992---This act came into existence on 1st june1993.
▶️This gave the Constitution states to the local bodies like Municipalities and Municipal cooperations.
▶️18 subjects were added to 12th schedule, through 74th CA act.
▶️This act states the Territorial constituencies of municipality and Municipal cooperation as Ward's
▶️State election commission conduct elections to the Municipalities.
▶️74th CA act Madea way to form district planning committees and metropolitan planning committees.
1. urban planning include town planning
2. regulation of land use and construction of buildings
3. Planning for Economic and social development.
4. Roads and Bridges.
5. Water supply for domestic, industrial and commer purposes
6. Public health, sanitation conservancy and solid waste management.
7. Fire services
8. Urban forestry, protection of the environment and promotion of ecological aspects.
9.safeguard the interest of weaker section of society.
10. Slum improvement and upgradation.
11. Urban poverty alleviation.
12. Provision of urban amenities and facilities such as parks gardens and play ground.
13. Promotion of culture, education and aesthetic aspects.
14. Burial and burial grounds, cremation ground's and electrical crematoriums.
15. Cattle pounds, prevention of cruelly to animals.
16. Vital statistics including registration of birth and deaths.
17. Public amenities including steer lighting parking lots bus stops and public conveniences.
18.regulation of slaughter houses and tanneries.
