Does The New Minecraft 1.21 Block Open The Portal!?

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Minecraft snapshot 24w11a was gigantic. the new snapshot added a strange item called the heavy core, currently only used to craft the minecraft mace weapon. this heavy core has tons of unique properties and is very strange. what else will the heavy core do?


if you read this comment "core"
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what else do you think the heavy core will do??


Who would win:

- A block made from the toughest metals, it takes 45 seconds to mine no matter the tool, it absorbs explosions, it is one of the rarest drops from the Vault and potentially a key to open the ancient city portal

- Water or a push block boy


At this point, we are so desperate that everything Minecraft adds in the new update has to open the portal


I’m surprised you didn’t mention the way ulraf talked about the heavy core in the video mojang released about the mace. He said it’s obtained from the vaults “for now” and that it won’t always be that easy. He then teases the real method to be a “rare challenge” so the heavy cores being in vaults might just be temporary until something else is developed enough. Maybe a new miniboss?


My theory is that it is called the heavy core because in the future it may be able to craft other "heavy" weapons like the mace.


Honestly the new wolf breeds & the awesome mace weapon really felt like the beginning of the true hype of the update to me, if you understand what I mean.


Just a theory, but what if: the heavy core IS a mob head? And you get it from defeating someone that has a head like that


What if the portal was opened like this: As mojang doesnt want us to kill the warden, what about if we placed the heavy core on the portal and then get the warden to do its sonic boom in the portal, the heavy core captures the boom and creats a portal with a scary sound and the watden goes back in fear and the sound is truly LOUD and SCARY. Then it is silence and BOOM jump scare! Tge jump scare is that your totem pops as a creepy hand grabs you and pulls you in the portal. Totem is compulsory. Otherwise it will kill you. The dimension should be called the illusion diension and hey the illusioners could gaurd the portal. Anyway what do you think?


Sadly Mojang won't add the new dimention till they update the end 😢

Edit: I messed up the word dimension


Based on its sounds, place of origin and shape, I assume that the heavy core is an eletrical component that has to be put on a machine, kinda like a generator or battery of sorts; the rectangular holes in its sides would connect the core to the machine allowing the core to do its function kinda like those USB entry holes and the squares of shading in the top and bottom sides would visually be the shape that would hold the core in place when in the machine preventing it from moving out of place and possibly getting damaged. Such machine could be the ancient city portal as it was also made by a technological civilization. Additionaly, based on all the information we have, the reason why the heavy core is so strong must be because it would have to resist high amounts of some sorts of power, and do you know what else is super resistant and also cannot be mined faster with any tool? Reinforced deepslate! The block of the portal! So if my theory is right, the heavy core must be used connected to the portal of the ancient city, wich means it is very likely that the heavy core is the key component to the activation of the portal.


Might be like a mini boss drop or sum to give us a reason to go to the trial chambers


Mojang: adds the grass


With how rare it is and because we haven't had a real boss fight in a long time, i think it will be like the wither skulls, where it takes a lot of luck to get, but you can use it to start a boss fight.


6:37 So there must be another 6x6x6 pixel block to place on heavy core and make snowman


As someone else also said. If this happened to be the drop of a new boss from the trial chambers, well that would be exciting.
I also like the idea of being able to use rods (breeze and blaze for now. We could get more of these "elementals" like water and earth) instead of sticks for weapons to get new effects. Imagine being able to get a special passive effect for the weapon depending on what you used for the handle....


I really wish they fix the mace design by making it more 3D because is literally like flat on the core part, looking like a flat axe or shovel. If only it was more cube-ish like those other designs by other people.


Maybe the heavy core can be used for a mass storage interface! Like storage controllers in modded.. hey, they added autocrafting lol


I really like this theory, especially since a "core" is the centre of something, for example, the earth's core, or an apples core.

Mojang are really careful with naming items

If this theory is incorrect, I still believe it'll be used as a centre piece to something, for example, some sort of mech / golem.


The heavy core, when hit, sounds like it has somethings very metalic inside, it has rectangular holes and a squares of depth in its top and bottom and is found on a structure built by ancient civilizations that had advanced technology, with all of this in mind I think it is some sorts of eletrical component that has to be put inside of a machine, the rectangular holes would connect to the machine so the heavy core can do its function and the squares of shading in the top and bottom would be what would hold the core in place, preventing it from shaking kinda like a lego teeth but on both sides


When you hold the mace, maybe shulkers can't levitate you?
