How to Get Free From Fentanyl

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Learn how to finally quit fentanyl AND avoid precipitated withdrawal using micro-initiation dosing of buprenorphine/Suboxone.

Ideal Option is one of the nation’s largest providers of evidence-based medication-assisted treatment for individuals with substance use disorders.

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Getting off fentanyl in my opinion is best to do cold turkey. Trust me it’s uncomfortable and unfortunately I find myself going through this for the 4th time at home. I’ve always done at home. I make sure to stay hydrated and although it’s almost impossible to eat I take very little bites of whatever I can. Just get over it. Don’t get down on yourself if you relapse . I’ve done it so many times and I’m only 22. The difference this time is I’m going to be speaking to a therapist once I start to feel better. While I know I’m going to feel like I have the worst flu and fever of my life for about 3 nights 4 days whatever I try to not lay down the whole time. I force myself to get up and walk . I try to listen to music to get my mind off of how I’m feeling the whole time. Also I’m not sure if this will help anyone but the first time I went to a detox facility they gave me gabapentin. I didn’t know I was allergic. They gave me it like 5 times that day and ironically I could not stop moving and twitching the whole day it was literal hell and that day I left and relapsed to “feel better” . After that I decided to detox at home and on the second day I took one because I was able to take my meds home that I had purchased and boom I realized I couldn’t stop moving. So if that’s ever happened to someone just don’t take it. Take hot baths. It’s the worst coming out but it helps me cause the way I look at it is as long as im sweating, pooping, and peeing, my body is cleansing itself and trying to re learn the natural way it’s suppose to work. Trust me this is gonna be crappy again but I pray for myself and everyone else that’s gonna go through this. Im not recommending doing it at hone im just saying that’s what’s worked best for me rather than being in a room with someone else going through either worst than me or completely no withdraws and me feeling somewhat jealous and upset . Anyways try to keep a positive mind set . Let’s get our lives back. Im not this positive while going through it but we have to try and never give up. Let’s not let a stupid pill or whatever control our life . Think of your family, your kids, your goals every time you want to give in just to “feel better” cause at the end of the day you’re gonna go right back to square one. And I’ve done it too many times and it’s tiring to be in bed for two weeks cause you kept screwing up here and there. Not worth it. Delete the dealer, have someone hold your keys and money. Do what you gotta do . Don’t try to fool yourself anymore.


I’ve been trying to come off of street m30s laced with fentanyl and I’ve been microdosing suboxone and I’ve been taking 1-2 milligrams of it along with every time I use the street 30s to get my body used to it and I’m on my 3rd day of microdosing and I woke up this morning at 8 am and normally use and today I’ve chosen to try to go as far as I can without the street stuff and test my body with the suboxone and almost 2 hours later I haven’t relapsed or felt any major discomfort, I pray I’m able to stay away from the 30s and transition to the suboxone, wish me luck 🙏🏽 I’ve been using street 30s for over a year now strongly using every 2 hours, this is my journey and if I can help anyone with there’s I will🙏🏽👏god bless us all and our families and give us the strength we need both mentally and physically amen 🙏🏽


I decided to get off heroin/fentanyl in August 2019. I had my mom take me to the psyche ward and I told the DR.s I was a risk to myself and I was afraid I would die. So they kept me for about two weeks— the entire time they were trying to get me on subs or methadone. I told the DR.s team I wanted this cold turkey because I would only relapse if I took subs/methadone. I was throwing up, diarrhea, sweating my bed, shivering, bones ached, nose was constantly runny, hallucinating from not sleeping. It can be done!The reason drug rehabs don’t work is because they fail to take one out of environment/associates/home town. Prayers to anyone going thru withdrawals.


I'm trying my best and its really hard but I will not let this take over my life, I will get clean and I hope everyone has the strength to do so as well, God bless!


Jus smoked my last half, this is then end of the road, Sold everything for fetty after I got fired for gettin high. Im getting clean right now, I know I ain’t sleepin for shit tn but I pray I ain’t sick tha bad. I’ll keep you guys updated on my hellstorm.


I used this and it saved my life. If you want your life back get on it. Its life saving.


My son is homeless in California and is addicted to fentanyl, would love someone to find him and help him he has gone to hospital for help and it’s a check n check out throw back out on the streets. He has a shirt and shorts some where in Hemet or Riverside California he was robbed and now has no phone or wallet. I’m his momma I live in Arkansas, what or how can I help him? I do not have the money he does not have insurance, if I could get him here 🤷🏻‍♀️ someone say a pray sent good vid s to my son Zachary Freeman ✌🏼❤️


I almost died from precipitated withdraws coming off fentanyl literally got to the point to where I was regurgitating blood I cannot express how this information needs to be in the forefront of availability because there is not nearly enough information out there about getting clean from fentanyl and information was on it for 7 years I'm still dealing with "brain shocks" and extreme joint pain and im 28 years old fuck fentanyl


I’m quitting cold turkey tonight. Headed to an Airbnb to go through the withdrawals away from my kids. 6 nights of hell but it needs to be done. I’m nervous. I’ve been through withdrawal once before and it’s so damn bad. Wish me luck.


me and my girlfriend have been going thru this for 2 years its hell on earth trying to quit i just tried and i cant do it on my own i dont know what to do anymore im gonna end up just putting a bullet in my head i cant go thru this anymore i need someone to help us kuz ive tried helping booth of us and i just always let myself and my family down i go thru the worst withdraws no one understands my mom thinks im just weak i probably am im just loosing the light at the end of our tunnel ive overdosed and was revived twice sometimes i wish i was never revived but then i think about how i will let my girlfriend of 7 years go thru this alone only so much praying can do maybe someone will see this and help us it took alot for me to share this


Same bro I was new to opiates and blind to what it does I was thinking it was cool cause I was with my rich baller friends and we were taking Oxys 30mg k9s and sipping lean and I did it for a half year and spent 30 thousand but I was making money so it didn’t matter and than one day I say enough and I was like why can’t I sleep and I find out it that I’m withdrawing and dude it was so bad so than someone hooked me to fake oxy and I got hooked and it was fentanyl and one day I was so high and I didn’t overdose or nothing I told my aunt like hey I feel to high but I’m not overdosing and I’m like what do I do and she’s like I have something that makes the high go away and she didn’t know anything about narcan .. just knows that it helps with opiates but she didn’t know it it’s for overdoses she’s thinking it’s to take the high feeling away and so she gives it to me in my nose .. and than out of no where I felt like I was shaking and lost my hearing for a second and it was like a ringing noise and vibrating all over my body .. and I was like what’s happening and she’s like panicking cause I’m getting worse and I start throwing up like the exorcist ... and I was in the worse pain of my life... little do I know it was participated withdrawals and it felt like death and it was so bad I shit my self and everything I’m talking about the worse withdrawals in my life. So bascaily I took narcan without overdosing and the Naxalone put me in participated withdrawals.. and I went to the hospital and when I got out 12 hrs later I got high and than just said fuck this and went clean 24 hrs and than was withdrawing after the 17th hr and was like fuck ima smoke more weed and than did a bump and I was up all night and than 24 hrs pass by and I’m up all night like fuck and hopefully this Suboxone helps and it did ..


My man has been on blues for 2 years. He waited 48 hours AND STILL GOT PRECIPITATED WITHDRAWL


methadone was the ony thing that helped me, I can go on and on with my experaince tryig to get back on my subs with a failed attempt


how can you slowly take fent meanwhile at the same time take a little bit of sub?? you’re still going to go into precip.
i don’t understand why they don’t have a pill that you can take even if you just did fentanyl to get clean off it. you shouldn’t have to wait 3-4 days. waiting “36 hours” is bs too bc every single person at my last detox waited 36-40 hours and EVERYONE went into precip. it was terrible. almost everyone AMAd. fentanyl makes it almost impossible for people to get clean now. and we used to think heroin withdrawl was bad.. HA.


I’m 21 years old I will be 22 in may I started smoking Perk 30s when I turned 19 then when I turned 20 I started smoking pure fentayl powder and I’m really trying to find out how to be off it all


from my experience if your using iv fentanyl particularly for long periods of time, it starts to store up in the fat and in the body and it will tale 4 or 5 days sometimes before you can take any Suboxone without precipitated withdrawal. some people claim even like 6 or 7 days they have to wait.


I need this method just need a lil more help on how doing it.


Most of the people I knew just ended up using both. Some even preferred suboxone.


I'm sick 24/7 haven't done meth in 6 Mos. I thought it was cut so I quit. But my sickness must be due to something else. I can't afford any health care not designed to keep me sick so I'm stuck. It's hard to keep sober when your nauseated and off balance 24/7. I do it but I keep wondering why


there are many new methadone treatment centers that are now open. its a full agonist you dont get precipitated withdrawals like with suboxone. you should detox slowly or yes you will have withdrawals from methadone
