Morocco's Quest to be European

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For much of the last century, Morocco’s policies were decided not in Rabat, but in Paris and Madrid which is part of the reason in 1987 Morocco applied to join what was then the European Economic Community, the precursor to the European Union. Morocco's Insane Quest to be European was immediately rejected on the grounds that Morocco was not considered to be a European country and therefore could not join.

The EU remains Morocco’s biggest trading partner and is a key customer for its manufactured goods and agricultural produce. French and Spanish tourists account for nearly half of all tourists visiting Morocco in a typical year. The EU also benefits from this relationship as Morocco has become fundamental in essential areas for the Union, such as counter-terrorism cooperation and migration control. Indeed, for an African country, Morocco is closer to Western partners than to its neighbors in the Middle East and North Africa region and the rest of Africa. Obviously, however, this is not the same for the EU. Despite its interest in the Southern Neighborhood, the plans developed for the region have always been of limited ambition compared to Morocco.

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Turkey wasn't just rejected from the EU only because "the EU is a Christian Club".

Turkey was actually granted official status as a negotiating candidate for the EU years ago but this didn't go anywhere mainly because Turkey doesn't fulfill the criteria (which you actually read to the viewers during the video) the EU lays out for new members.
Under Erdogan Turkey has become less and less democratic with journalists being harassed and thrown into jail. There are legitimate concerns over human rights violations in Turkey.
Erdogan has gripped more and more power for himself and is at this point as close to a dictator as to an elected President and Turkey certainly isn't a democracy anymore.
International watchers report that elections in Turkey have been unfair towards the opposition.

In addition Turkey has also steered right into massive economic problems and doesn't fulfill the economic/financial prerequisits anymore either.

Sure, for some the fact that Turkey has a majority muslim population is a problem, but that is far from the only or even main reason they aren't a member and mentioning this would have been fair towards the EU.

I also recognize that there are EU member states like Hungary that have similiar problems, but these usually only became authoritarian after getting EU membershio and even now the EU is seeking to punish Hungary financially.


As a Moroccan, although this request happened, it was never a serious endeavor and was never taken seriously neither by Morocco nor EU. It was more of a maneuver of the previous king to demonstrate the commitment of Morocco to the Western values, and was definitely not persude by the current one. And a small correction, there are no native French speakers in Morocco it's either Moroccan (Arabic) or Amazigh (Berber)


Truth is, North Africa was always more closely connected to Europe than it was to Africa.
The Mediterranean see is a better interface than the Sahara desert.
The Roman empire stopped expanding at the desert for that very reason.
We could almost consider subsaharan Africa as an island continent.
Plus North African climate is mostly Mediterranean while most SSA climates are tropical and equatorial (SA has some Mediterranean and Kenya and Ethiopia seem to have pockets of Highlands climate though)... different challenges overall...


The fact that this is even happening is annoying. Risen Africa is right, Africa would be so much better off if it traded within it's own countries. You can build up your own economies and therefore not need Europe.


considering their history, they were always more connected to Europe than to the rest of Africa, it's mostly due to simple geography.


It's not really about christianity.
It's more about a complicated combination of multiple factors.
If Morocco became more democratic and wealthier then that would win over a lot of Europeans.
A long term commitment to the libertarian ideals in Europe by both the elite *and* the population at large would also help.
Turkey actually has had a long secular/libertarian tradition that helped them get as far as they have, but Erduan changed that...
Belarus and Russia are both Christians but not currently welcome into the EU, their authoritarian heritage playing a big role there.


4:17 Christian club? Lol, most Europeans aren’t even religious.


Lol, as a European, I think the non-acceptance of Turkey has little to do with religion (cause they're quite a secular country, esp before Erdogan — and *that's* what's important). However, it *does* have something to do with culture... you need to be 'European' in values & mindset to be able to join, cause that trickles down into ur policies and reforms, as well. And how u deal with probs.

When it comes to political culture/strategies, if u'r gonna pull unethical stunts (like weaponising migrants), to get revenge on ur neighbours, whenever they upset u with something — that is *not* a "spirit", i.e. a way of thinking/considering action, that *aligns* with European systems & values.

And ofc, this is just 1 example. Turkey has several issues where it doesn't meet the EU criteria for integration... incl the Kurdish minority issue, I think treatment of prisoners, and so on.

In short, u kinda need to give up on *part* of your culture (the one that is incompatible) & become "Europeanized" in a sense, to be able to join..

❗If that happens in Morocco — it truly gets run like a European-style democracy, in most major ways — I wouldn't have a problem with it joining. However, considering it's not on the European continent, at all — they're probl gonna have to get in line & wait for most of the other European countries to be accepted first (incl Turkey) before it can get in. And that could take decades... the same problem is with Azerbaijan as well, I believe — bc of its fringe position & problematic guvernance, first Georgia & Armenia prob need to be accepted, then we will see..


To be honest the north african countries were more conected to europe than with other african countries


its interesting to remember that for literally thousands of years, Southern Europe had far more in common with North Africa than with the European plane. Greeks, italians and Spaniards were much more likely to trade with Tunisia and Egypt than with Germany and Poland. the Mediterranean was a highway for trade and it hurts everyone when the North, south and east of the Mediterranean are divided. perhaps that's the point. Southern Europe is much weaker than North Europe, if North Africa had free trade with South Europe, perhaps North Europe would lose their dominant position in the EU.


I love how you said berber 😂👌🏽💯 anyways jokes aside, great content and keep up the good work bro


Very interesting article, Morocco is a Country with its Roots planted in Africa but its branches stretching to Europe and Middle East, that is perfect way to sum up Morocco.


This channel is amazing 👏 I learn more than I was ever taught in school in the 90's through this channel about Africa. Being an American descendant of slavery, I find it extremely comforting to learn more about the continent my ancestors came from. There's so much history here...


The EU doesn't want Turkey to join, you think they'd want Morocco ?


😀😀 Roots are in Africa but branches in Europe. These North African countries have a very interesting history. Thank you so much for letting us know


I think that any country with a mediteranian coast should be able to join the EU, on the basis of former roman control over these areas


7:40 I completely agree. Either “Eurasia” is one continent, or The Middle East/Arabia, South Asia/India, East Asia, South-East Asia, and Central Asia are their own continent as well. I’ve heard people claim the Ural Mountains and culture is what separates Europe from Asia, but there are higher mountains (Himalayas) and more diverse cultural differences (South Asia vs East Asia) in parts of Asia from other parts of Asia than between Europe and parts of Asia.

Sorry this is something I feel strongly about 😂


Man, I would love to have Morocco in the EU. The more People join the more Peace, Prosperity and Wealth we can build up Together and mabye finally build a reliable bridge between the christian and the muslem World.


Morocco is an indigenous Amazighn state and they are proud.


I love Morocco, greetings from Serbia :)
