R2P Webinar: Aligning Programmatic & Research Goals in Hospital-Based Violence Intervention Programs

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HVIPs are multidisciplinary programs that bring together healthcare providers and trusted community-based partners to provide services and trauma-informed care to violently injured people. Engaging patients in the hospital - during their recovery - is an opportunity to improve outcomes and reduce future repeat injury. The support network continues once patients are released with a pathway for outpatient care and other services. This webinar will present an overview of and insights from the new At-risk Intervention and Mentoring (AIM) program at University of Colorado Hospital.

Catherine G. Velopulos MD, MHS, FACS
Associate Professor of Surgery; Trauma, Acute Care Surgery and Critical Care
Health Services Researcher in Disparities, Access to Care, and Violence Prevention
Vice Director – Surgical Outcomes & Applied Research (SOAR)
Program Director – AIM at University Hospital in Aurora, CO
University of Colorado School of Medicine

Laurie Lovedale BS, MPH
Injury Prevention Specialist, University of Colorado Hospital – UC Health

Anna Cleveland, MSW, LCSW
Research Instructor & Program Evaluator
University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus
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