300 Opposite Words in English Antonyms in English Common opposites English Vocabulary

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Opposite words, or antonyms, are words that have meanings that contrast or are directly opposite to each other. They are essential in enriching language by allowing for a broader range of expression. Opposite words help us describe various situations, emotions, and ideas more clearly by providing a counterpart to a word's meaning.
✅ Opposite Word:
00:00 fast - slow
00:17 pull - push
00:32 left - right
00:49 happy - sad
01:05 cry - laugh
01:22 hot - cold
01:38 rainy - sunny
01:54 on - off
02:10 fat - thin
02:26 tall - short
02:41 clean - dirty
02:57 full - empty
03:13 heavy - light
03:28 thick - thin
03:44 new - old
04:01 smart - stupid
04:18 young - old
04:35 long - short
04:51 broken - whole
05:07 curly - straight
05:23 good - bad
05:38 boy - girl
05:54 rich - poor
06:09 big - small
06:26 pretty - ugly
06:41 closed - open
06:57 easy - difficult
07:13 dark - light
07:29 selfish - generous
07:47 beautiful - ugly
08:03 high - low
08:19 true - false
08:35 handsome - ugly
08:52 wide - narrow
09:08 marry - divorce
09:25 awake - asleep
09:41 strong - weak
09:56 win - lose
10:12 add - subtract
10:28 near - far
10:44 wet - dry
11:00 brave - coward
11:16 noisy - quiet
11:32 married - single
11:48 expensive - cheap
12:03 funny - serious
12:20 white - black
12:36 sharp - dull
12:53 deep - shallow
13:11 sweet - sour
13:28 countable - uncountable
13:47 hardworking - lazy
14:05 few - many
14:23 innocent - guilty
14:40 comfortable - uncomfortable
14:57 nervous - calm
15:13 delicious - disgusting
15:30 polite - rude
15:46 answer - question
16:04 honest - dishonest
16:22 sick - healthy
16:39 top - bottom
16:56 alike - different
17:13 apart - together
17:30 boring - interesting
17:47 accept - refuse
18:04 smooth - rough
18:21 soft - hard
18:38 Bright - dull
18:55 neat - messy
19:11 already - not yet
19:28 always - never
19:45 angel - devil
20:01 ancient - modern
20:17 argue - agree
20:34 arrest - free
20:51 arrive - leave
21:07 start - finish
21:25 before - after
21:41 build - destroy
21:58 buy - sell
22:15 day - night
22:31 forward - backward
22:48 careful - careless
23:04 check in - check out
23:21 correct - wrong
23:37 danger - safety
23:54 male - female
24:10 loose - tight
24:27 online - offline
24:43 more - less
24:59 distant - near
25:15 remember - forget
25:31 early - late
25:47 pass - fail
26:03 enemy - friend
26:19 fat - slim
26:35 find - lose
26:52 scream - whisper
27:06 freeze - melt
27:21 get on - get off
27:36 go up - go down
27:52 import - export
28:08 mess - order
28:24 morning - evening
28:41 lead - follow
28:57 natural - artificial
29:14 north - south
29:29 plus - minus
29:45 presence - absence
opposite words,
question words in english,
wh questions,
wh questions in english,
wh question,
wh question and answer,
wh words,
wh words in english,
wh words in english grammar,
what questions in english,
what who where why when who whom how,
WH questions in English,What How Where Which,English grammar questions,WH question words,Learn English questions,English conversation practice,WH questions examples,English speaking skills,ESL WH questions,English question words,WH questions and answers,English grammar practice,English language learning,How to ask WH questions,English questions for beginners,
Simple Sentences Questions and Answers
Daily Use Sentences
English Conversation Practice
Present Sentences
Past Sentences
Future Sentences
Questions and answers
English language
Conversation skills
Speaking practice
English fluency
Language learning
Communication skills
Daily conversation
English vocabulary
Listening comprehension
Your Queries :
1- Present Indefinite Sentences
2- Present Indefinite Sentences for practice
3- Present Indefinite Sentence example
4- Present Indefinite Sentences in English
5- Present Indefinite Sentences exercise
6 - Present Indefinite Sentences questions and answers
7- English Conversation practice
8 - English Conversation for beginners
9- Past Indefinite sentences
10- Past Indefinite sentences for practice
11- Past Indefinite sentences in English
12 - Past Indefinite sentences exercise
13- Past Indefinite sentences questions and answers
14- Past Indefinite sentences example
15- Future Indefinite sentences
16- Future Indefinite sentences for practice
17- Future Indefinite sentences example
18- Future Indefinite sentences exercise
19-Future Indefinite sentences in English
20- Future Indefinite sentences questions and answers
#ESL (English as a Second Language)
Thanks for watching.
✅ Opposite Word:
00:00 fast - slow
00:17 pull - push
00:32 left - right
00:49 happy - sad
01:05 cry - laugh
01:22 hot - cold
01:38 rainy - sunny
01:54 on - off
02:10 fat - thin
02:26 tall - short
02:41 clean - dirty
02:57 full - empty
03:13 heavy - light
03:28 thick - thin
03:44 new - old
04:01 smart - stupid
04:18 young - old
04:35 long - short
04:51 broken - whole
05:07 curly - straight
05:23 good - bad
05:38 boy - girl
05:54 rich - poor
06:09 big - small
06:26 pretty - ugly
06:41 closed - open
06:57 easy - difficult
07:13 dark - light
07:29 selfish - generous
07:47 beautiful - ugly
08:03 high - low
08:19 true - false
08:35 handsome - ugly
08:52 wide - narrow
09:08 marry - divorce
09:25 awake - asleep
09:41 strong - weak
09:56 win - lose
10:12 add - subtract
10:28 near - far
10:44 wet - dry
11:00 brave - coward
11:16 noisy - quiet
11:32 married - single
11:48 expensive - cheap
12:03 funny - serious
12:20 white - black
12:36 sharp - dull
12:53 deep - shallow
13:11 sweet - sour
13:28 countable - uncountable
13:47 hardworking - lazy
14:05 few - many
14:23 innocent - guilty
14:40 comfortable - uncomfortable
14:57 nervous - calm
15:13 delicious - disgusting
15:30 polite - rude
15:46 answer - question
16:04 honest - dishonest
16:22 sick - healthy
16:39 top - bottom
16:56 alike - different
17:13 apart - together
17:30 boring - interesting
17:47 accept - refuse
18:04 smooth - rough
18:21 soft - hard
18:38 Bright - dull
18:55 neat - messy
19:11 already - not yet
19:28 always - never
19:45 angel - devil
20:01 ancient - modern
20:17 argue - agree
20:34 arrest - free
20:51 arrive - leave
21:07 start - finish
21:25 before - after
21:41 build - destroy
21:58 buy - sell
22:15 day - night
22:31 forward - backward
22:48 careful - careless
23:04 check in - check out
23:21 correct - wrong
23:37 danger - safety
23:54 male - female
24:10 loose - tight
24:27 online - offline
24:43 more - less
24:59 distant - near
25:15 remember - forget
25:31 early - late
25:47 pass - fail
26:03 enemy - friend
26:19 fat - slim
26:35 find - lose
26:52 scream - whisper
27:06 freeze - melt
27:21 get on - get off
27:36 go up - go down
27:52 import - export
28:08 mess - order
28:24 morning - evening
28:41 lead - follow
28:57 natural - artificial
29:14 north - south
29:29 plus - minus
29:45 presence - absence
opposite words,
question words in english,
wh questions,
wh questions in english,
wh question,
wh question and answer,
wh words,
wh words in english,
wh words in english grammar,
what questions in english,
what who where why when who whom how,
WH questions in English,What How Where Which,English grammar questions,WH question words,Learn English questions,English conversation practice,WH questions examples,English speaking skills,ESL WH questions,English question words,WH questions and answers,English grammar practice,English language learning,How to ask WH questions,English questions for beginners,
Simple Sentences Questions and Answers
Daily Use Sentences
English Conversation Practice
Present Sentences
Past Sentences
Future Sentences
Questions and answers
English language
Conversation skills
Speaking practice
English fluency
Language learning
Communication skills
Daily conversation
English vocabulary
Listening comprehension
Your Queries :
1- Present Indefinite Sentences
2- Present Indefinite Sentences for practice
3- Present Indefinite Sentence example
4- Present Indefinite Sentences in English
5- Present Indefinite Sentences exercise
6 - Present Indefinite Sentences questions and answers
7- English Conversation practice
8 - English Conversation for beginners
9- Past Indefinite sentences
10- Past Indefinite sentences for practice
11- Past Indefinite sentences in English
12 - Past Indefinite sentences exercise
13- Past Indefinite sentences questions and answers
14- Past Indefinite sentences example
15- Future Indefinite sentences
16- Future Indefinite sentences for practice
17- Future Indefinite sentences example
18- Future Indefinite sentences exercise
19-Future Indefinite sentences in English
20- Future Indefinite sentences questions and answers
#ESL (English as a Second Language)
Thanks for watching.