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I think I speak for the millions of people that you've made smile when I say, Thank you Anthony <3.
We love you and wish you the best for your extremely bright future


I’m honestly not ready to say goodbye, but these have been the best past 2 years. Thank you Anthony.


"Now it's time to go live yours" hit so hard. I start college in the fall, and this channel has helped me look forward to it instead of being afraid of it. Thank you anthpo for making all of us smile a little brighter.


I'm a very sickly person, always in bed, homeschooled, and yet I still watch your videos at 2am, when I should be asleep. I have no friends that visit me, so I find comfort in you. Only discovering now that you graduated, I want to be happy, but I have to feel a bit of sorrow as well since one of my favorite YouTubers is no longer Youtubing. Thank you, for everything.


I got really emotional watching this. Seeing you grow from being a menace at your high school, to being a menace at college, to being such a good content creator was a wonderful journey. Thank you for the laughs Anthony. I know you're gonna go far in whatever is next for you.


I'm not gonna act like I was a hardcore fan and kept up with this channel, but you have really gifted so many people with laughs as a result of your hilarious content that even I have loved and watched from time to time. I still remember lowkey binging your high school/early college videos when I was in high school, and now I will graduate soon too. Thank you for existing. We wish you the best 💙


truly everyone is going to miss the amazing person/creator you are anthpo! really one of the most unique people i've met. sad to see you go, but excited for your future man! thanks for the inspiration over the years and rooting for u always <3


"Now it's time to go live yours." I sobbed when I saw this line, your channel has been a million fond memories that I've watched with friends from school and uni, and now as a second year myself, I've realised with a year left till graduation, it's time to live out my own story with the people I love too. You've inspired me so much and lifted me through some tough times, and I'm so glad to have been there watching you. Thank you Anthony - I'll remember you as I go and live out my life too!


Everyone’s talking about the channel ending, but you graduated college! Congratulations! That’s an amazing achievement. I’m sure it was a rough road, but you should be immensely proud of yourself. I’m glad we were here to watch you have fun along the way. Again, congrats Anthony!


"The adventure only ends when another begins."

Anthony and his friends have graduated from college today. And I will be starting my own college life next year. And I am happy to say that you have given me all the courage, strength, and motivation in the world that I need to face this next chapter of my life. Thank you, Anthony. Thank you for everything. We love you.


most impressive part to me is that he actually left. a lot of people want to stay in the spotlight but he chose to leave and archive all his good memories


Thank you Anthony. From high school to college you were always there with laughs and silly costumes. A constant inspiration and symbol of the literal power of friendship. Certified YouTube legend. Enjoy your future! You’ll be missed.


Thank you Anthony for all you've done! You will be missed so much, but I know you'll do great things!


We salute you my friend. College ain't easy but the fact you had so much fun with your friends, graduated, and made this incredible channel means that anything truly is possible. It's sad to see you go but something tells me you're gonna do great in life hell you already are. Thanks for the the laughs and for 4 incredible years brother 🎉


Plot twist he left YouTube to join the twelve tribe cult he visited months prior


I remember watching your stuff when you were still highschool, and while I didnt stick around for every single moment, realizing your graduation and the culmination of the channel gives me an odd sense of pride for how far you’ve come. Congratulations Anthpo! Your life is just starting


This is so bittersweet. I'm glad anthony got to experience what he truly wanted from youtube, and was able to document the highs, lows, and everything in between for our entertainment. This channel is a glimpse into the passion, creativity, and soul that anthony puts into each and every video, and I'm just glad to have been along for the ride. Thank you Anthony!


I don't think I can walk away from this video without writing something here. I started watching your videos in 2020 during the pandemic. I was 13 and extremely isolated; I had lost contact with all my friends, I had no one to share my moments with on a daily basis, and I spent way too much time online. I started watching this channel and your videos made me feel like I could vicariously be part of a friend group and do wacky, fun things. Over the course of 3 years, I continued to watch your videos. I started going back to school in person. I fell out of some friendships, and made new ones. In the past year, I have begun to have the experiences I once only saw on my screen—sometimes silly, sometimes heartfelt moments with amazing friends. Now I'm 16, almost 17, and I have changed so much and grown to a much happier and healthier place than I was in 3 years ago. It makes me so emotional to think about the growth I've seen in this channel alongside my own life. Now that we are finally seeing you go, Anthony, I feel a sense of peace knowing that you will continue to live life to the fullest, and you've given me many little moments of inspiration to do the same. I say thank you because I mean it. Your work has meant something special to me and the others who've stuck around for every last shenanigan. Never change <3


It's been 4 months since this video came out, and I just remembered this channel existed, and I'd forgotten how much it means to me. I first discovered Anthpo when I wasn't doing too well in life, and y'all genuinely helped me through that. Now I'm going to college soon, I just hope I'll be able to have some fun while I'm there. I doubt my comment will stand out in the sea of others just like it, but if any of you guys are going through some shitty times. Trust me, it gets so much better, you just have to find the people who're willing to help you make it better. Also, to this wonderful community. I don't know any of y'all, but I can confidently say you're all amazing human beings who deserve the world, love you guys <3


Truly a real content creator. Made amazing content for years, always entertaining everyone around him, and knew to say goodbye when it was ending. No reboot, no new channel, no new friends or videos. Just ended it while it was still amazing. Thank you Anthony.
