Can My Life Be Plagued by Generational Sins, Hexes, or Curses?

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Ask Pastor John
Episode: 720
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Many generations of men in my family have been beleaguered by alcoholism, anger, lust, low character and all that follows those traits I.e. divorces, broken homes, jail, betrayal, physical/verbal abuse and just a lot of pain and suffering. When I became saved one of the callings I felt on my time was to break these chains in my generation. I've made some good progress (actually the Holy Spirit has not me) and I still struggle at times, but I see the path Jesus has turned me towards and my son will be better off, and his son after him and so on. Anyone else struggling with these things remember you aren't alone if you are a Christian you are free from these bonds. Pray, read the scripture and renew your mind daily. Let's all pray for each other for increased faith and to know better our Heavenly Father today, Amen!


My grandmother, father, mom, and uncles all had serious addictions. My mother was abusive, promiscuous, an addict and a lover of money.
Because God loved me first, He directed my steps. By the time that I turned 16 God was a major staple in my life. I talked to Him for HOURS. I was called weird because I wasnt having sex, partying or smoking... I was an outcast. Smh.
Thankfully, because of God, I never gave in to peer pressure or temptations. My relationship with God stopped me from being kidnapped and murdered when I was 16.
At 20, I had a unknown man who stalked me but God always alerted me when that man was near and he could never gain access to me, thanks to Gods divine protection. Bottom line, I should be dead. But I'm alive because God loves me.

For that, I am forever grateful and faithful.


I think it might be important to add, that God may be warning us here that our sins can strongly effect not only our own souls but also those of our children and hence their children. God through Christ has provided a remedy, but we must not forget that our sins have huge effects on others. Thanks.


I have seen in my own life where the foolishness of my parents rubbed off on me without me even knowing it. As a pagan I had taken on sinful traits that I had learned and was not even conscious of it. I was the proverbial fool and wasn't even aware of it. But the Spirit of God pointed me to Jesus Christ, That was 27 years ago and my life changed from that moment on. I can tell you the truth, if your in any relationship with the fool of the proverbs, whether it be a parent, a spouse, or a grown up child, my heart goes out to you and I know how difficult and frustrating it can be. The only hope the you can have is for the salvation of that person. The proverbial fool is stubborn, arrogant, perverse in that they will twist things you say. They are scoffing mocking abusive people. They love contention and quarrels and they believe that they are always right about everything. They are lovers of self and there are many who sit in churches and have know idea who Jesus Christ is. So pray your head off for these poor souls that God in His grace would redeem them.


"Nobody is trapped in their father's sins or their own sins" Thank you for that, I needed to hear that today.


Wow, thank you! I have to forgive the incorrect teaching I’ve received and take it upon myself to dive deeper into the word. The gospel is simply love and we don’t have to make it complicated


I understand it as "learned behavior". I see it played out in alcoholic family members and children that were raised by drug addicts.😪


This has been a question of mine for a long time. I have been blessed by this. Thank you John.


With regards to the family with the dying child who thought they were cursed, my family and I personally went through tragedy after tragedy for years. I cried to the Lord and He's given me some answers. When in pain, we ask many questions. Are we cursed? Are we being punished? Does God still love us? Are we being tested? I had so many questions. God answered me, "all of the above". In the thick of it, when l began to doubt God's love, God reassured me in that He disciplines the children He loves. (Hebrews 12:7). Sometimes hardship is to strengthen us and/or will be used by God for good. (Genesis 50:19, Romans 8:28.) Sometimes, we will never know why a bad thing happened and we may be innocent. Look at Job. But God will use it to make us stronger and so we can comfort those who suffer after us.


Please PRAY that GOD prospers me & allows me to remain in the house my mom willed to me!


I have also wondered about this for a long time. I appreciate you taking the time to post this.


My God!
How much we must be thankful to God for such faithful men of God who faithfully walks with God though many hypocritical teachers are around. How clearly this man of God teaches. Be must acknowledge and value such, lest we neglect them and go after deceptions.


Amen!!!! You said it right only through Christ can we be saved. Not in under ourselves.. But through Christ.. Beautiful brother. Love you brother.


Thank you Pastor John for sound, biblical teaching. 🙏💖


Thank you. That makes me feel much better ❤️


We now know that words, thoughts, attitudes can last a hundred years after we die. Even an old man, strong in the lord, can still suffer from abuse done in his infancy.


From people I know who have worked in "deliverance" ministries....

Generational curses, etc. DO EXIST is the sense that the sins of your parents, grandparents, etc. can invite demonic forces into the household. This, in turn, can lead to spiritual afflictions for those in the home and blood descendants. The good news is that Jesus can break these chains. Many who are afflicted don't even realize they have issues that were invited into their lives by the actions of their parents or grandparents.


So simple. Christ is everything. No need to break generational curses, do not listen any superstition.


Am blessed pastor, may the lord God bless you mightily because i feel relieved


I think the problem is the "doctrine" of Consequence. God will FULLY forgive, but the consequences...
