What's your favourite box in the title?
It's a tough choice for me but I'd probably have to go with box number 6 ■
EDEN and Sheepy? Man, it feels like 2015 again and I know I can't complain about it at all <3
most eden ass shadow drop i've ever seen we're so back
I know a little Japanese. At the beginning (0:01), there is a phrase from the anime "Ghost in the Shell" that says
“- For now we see through a glass, darkly, but then face to face”
今、我ら鏡持て見る如く 見るところも、おもろない。
And at (3:17) they say
“- Fear, loneliness, anxiety, darkness and maybe hope.
- Hope? In the pitch-dark water?
- Sometimes i feel that when i come up to the surface i can become a different person.”
every eden drop comes at a pivotal moment in my life
the running ; tripping ; falling lyric at the start nearly gave me a heart attack bro
The first line is the same as in running tripping falling.
The way i JUMPED when i heard it...
Your channel led me to find Eden way back in 2016 and here we are again. Thank you both.
The coordinates are:
Latitude: 35.661938
Longitude: 139.700938
When you input these coordinates into a map they point to a location in Shibuya, Tokyo, Japan.
His voice is like a comforting embrace 😭
new eden music on mrsuicidesheep like it's 2015 😮💨
Since I understand French, that I'm happy to hear some and that the child's words at 12:36 are really beautiful, here my transcription for y'all :
- You know that life is beautiful, but we don't see life anymore when we die. So it's a bit sad, you have to enjoy it, life. Life is pretty. It's beautiful, we can travel, sing, laugh...
🎵On Earth, everything is pretty 🎵
There are lots of things that are pretty : sweet songs, babies, all that is nice, you have to enjoy it (??). And it's nice to have friends on Earth, then when you die you don't see them anymore, it's sad...
Yes but there are bad guys everywhere
- Yes, but there are bad guys everywhere?
- They have guns they can shoot us because they are very, very bad.
- It doesn't matter, they have guns but we have flowers.
- Yes, but flowers don't matter...
- But look, you see if we put flowers it's to fight the guns.
- It is to protect?
- Yes.
- And the candles too?
- They help us remember the people who have gone before us.
- This is to protect us the flowers and candles?
- Yes. Is it better now?
- 🎵On Earth everything is pretty🎵
French :
- Tu sais que la vie, elle est belle, mais on voit plus la vie quand on meurt. Du coup c'est un peu triste il faut en profiter de la vie. La vie c'est joli, c'est beau, on peut voyager, chanter, rigoler...
🎵Sur la Terre, tout est joli🎵
Il y a plein de choses qui sont jolies: les chansons douces, les bébés, tout ça c'est chouette du coup il faut en profiter (??). Mais c'est chouette d'avoir des copains sur la Terre, après quand on meurt on les voit plus c'est triste...
Oui mais il y a des méchants partout
- Oui mais il y a des méchants partout?
- Ils ont des pistolets ils peuvent nous tirer dessus parce qu'ils sont très très méchants.
- C'est pas grave ils ont des pistolets mais nous on a des fleurs.
- Oui mais les fleurs ça fait rien...
- Mais si regarde, tu vois si on pose des fleurs c'est pour combattre les pistolets.
- C'est pour protéger?
- Voilà.
- Et les bougies aussi?
- C'est pour ne pas oublier les gens qui sont partis avant nous.
- C'est pour nous protéger les fleurs et les bougies?
- Oui. Ca va mieux du coup?
- 🎵Sur la Terre tout est joli🎵
I know Eden when I hear it. You aren't fooling me with this title sheepy!
MrSuicideSheep dropping new EDEN music just like the good old days in 2015 😭
What an iconic voice I'd recognize it anywhere, such an inspiration
oh my god, are they going to reveal one box a day? time for 20 days of intense refreshing.
Non eden fans having no idea whats going on:😶
The Numbers Mason, What Do They Mean?!
This man always shows up when I'm at my life's lowests
how does he manage to drop masterpieces when i'm at my lowest i'll never know.
but thank you eden, for explaining the feelings that i can't put into words in your songs