Let God Guide You: From Weakness to Strength

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A man struggled with a difficult weakness for 30 years.

Based on his own compelling true story, this person had a profound, spiritual realization and a breakthrough of understanding—that God always loves and values him and remains by his side, ready to help, even during repeated struggles.

Like this man, many of us surround ourselves with shame because we don’t believe we are good enough for God to help us. We might think we must somehow arrive to a certain level of “goodness” on own and stay there before God can step in and take us to higher ground. What’s more, if we continue to fall short, we believe we are hopelessly broken, condemned, and spiritually left behind.

But in truth, as we seek and surrender ourselves to God, whatever our starting point happens to be, God will always be ready to direct us toward the very best version of ourselves. And God will do it with patience and from our own personal place of need. God’s grace and blessings do not depend on flawlessness.

Read also the talk by Bradley R. Wilcox at:

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For years ever since I was 11 I struggled with a porn addiction. And I never told anyone. At first I didn't know what it was, but as I grew older I understood. And I knew it was bad I just don't know why I never told anyone. Maybe because I was embarrassed, or maybe because I knew it was bad. Eventually I tried to stop on my own, many times but the addiction and weakness was there like I would try to stop but it never worked. Ended up finally feeling terrible for myself and repenting of my sins. Through the help of others I was able to see God's light. And through God's grace and mercy I have been able to find a happier life for myself, I may not be perfect, nor am I living the dream life everyone desires. I am a regular human being, but I am also a daughter of God. Once we find better things to live for it's when things truly change for us. And my gosh did this video truly help and lift. I have now been clean for 1 year now, I know it's not much, but for me it is a huge accomplishment. God doesn't want us to commit sin and that's why he gives us many opportunities to stop and to try again. He loves our efforts and wants to help us. God bless you


This is one of the best videos ever made by the church.


"And if men come unto me I will show unto them their weakness. I give unto men weakness that they may be humble; and my grace is sufficient for all men that humble themselves before me; for if they humble themselves before me, and have faith in me, then will I make weak things become strong unto them."


I've commented before on videos, but this is ME, except I was exposed years earlier and went longer before I finally, finally, finally let Him take over. I'm 6 years clean this month. I should say, rather, He has guided and strengthened me so that I have maintained the cleansing His incomprehensible Atonement gave me. Decades of doubt, struggle, and self-loathing, and addiction gone. If anyone reading this thinks, 'Yeah, sure, for you, but not for me', know these two things: 1. I spent most of my life thinking the same thing. 2. I was wrong.
We're all in this together, and He loves us.


I needed this today! I may not have an addiction like that but I definitely have a lot of sins and I have tried the all or nothing approach it is a great reminder that I don’t have to do it alone and to take it one day a lot a time!


“God does love me the way I am. But He also loves me far too much, to leave me the way I am.”

I loved that so much!


I love the part where it said, “God loves me as I am, but He also loves me too much to leave me as I am”. That second part is often forgotten but so evident of a perfect love.


'Praying for power instead of forgiveness'. that was the part that spoke to me the most. This is the true church, guys. nothing else could be so effective.


Just when I didn't think God was aware of what was happening in my life, I watched this video that I can relate to. God is aware of what's happening in my life.


God sees weakness different than he does rebellion… that is absolutely inspiring. Addiction sucks and it’s the hardest thing to overcome, and although it makes you feel like you’ll never come out the other side of that dark tunnel, it’s NOT impossible! I’m so grateful for the atoning sacrifice of Jesus Christ and knowing that through him and WITH him, addiction will be defeated.


I just finished a list to God of all my failings as a parent and as a person trying to be my best self. I created the list as an offering, a supplication, a list to forgive myself, again. The last words I wrote, “Help me change my inadequate journey (how I was looking at it) into a faith-filled, strength-filled journey focused on the Savior.” then I noticed this notification on my phone.


This dropped at a very relevant time for me, too! All the thoughts he describes are accurate. The ending message is what I just learned in Institute yesterday, which I don’t believe is coincidence.


"God sees weakness differently than rebellion" I love that. I'm trying to over come my weaknesses, but I know God knows that I'm trying. But that's where we have to look out. If we always tell ourselves that we are trying and just keep on doing it over and over again and KNOWING that we are, that's where the line is drawn. But if we keep on doing it, but we are trying to get better at not doing it than we know we can get through it


"When God speaks about weakness it's always with mercy."


I see what Gods trying to do man this dropped at the perfect time for me 🙏🏽 God is good my faith waivers but God is consistent


Whoever made this video is doing it! They are using their God-given talents to bring truth and light into the world! So well done, so powerful! I also recognize the actors voice from my favorite video “The Hope of God’s Light”. That actor nailed it there too. I appreciate every one who made these videos reality!


I’ve regularly been crying this past week because I don’t have the strength for my life. But I can turn to God to be stronger.


Perfectly said. 30 years ago my mission president told me to treat life less like a sprint and more like my cross country races: at a continual, enduring, pace. Yes we slip trip and even fall when running but we get up and keep going till the end.


"I stopped trying to be perfect and started trying to be good."
This is what I needed today ♥️


Wow, perfect timing, just watched a podcast on this topic and have dealt with this for years, God is good, , for all those struggling with addictions, God loves us . We stumble and fall but never leaves us
