3 Things to Give Up to Feel Positive Emotion INSTANTLY

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In this video I'm going to share with you 3 things that you must give up in order to feel positive emotion INSTANTLY. I'm going to share with you processes and practical tools to make that something that is able to happen right now. Transcript below...
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This video I'm going to share with you three things that you must give up in order to feel positive emotion. Instantly I'm going to share with you processes and practical tools to make that something that is able to happen right now. Welcome back to another video. My name is Aaron and I help people expand their consciousness. Now this video I'm going to be sharing with you the three things that I've let go of in my own life so that I'm able to feel very confident very quickly. Now if you were to ask random people that know me so they're not random to me but maybe to you they are. If you were to ask them what is one thing like the first word that comes to mind when it comes to me. You have to do something would be a very positive and like a high energy person. Now I've always been considered more of a positive person. I went through a lot of stuff in my childhood that made me kind of see things from a new point of view. And

once I got to that place I felt very good since then and what I want to do is share with you the perspectives that I let go of that has allowed me to be much more happy and to feel positive and very optimistic of the future and kind of just to also have high energy towards what I'm doing. You know I have a lot of energy. I don't drink caffeine Not that there's anything wrong with it. You know I find myself very you know able to do these three things and they let go of them. You're going to start to feel more energy and to feel more happy. A majority of the time just by doing that alone. So the first thing that you must let go of to feel positive emotion is any negative meaning that we are tagging to situations in our life. Now

this is something I have talked about a lot in the channel that every situation is fundamentally neutral that we tagged the meaning as to what things mean and that's the effect we get out of it. So what we can learn to do is to neutralize any negative meanings we have by knowing we can see it from a more holistic point of view a more neutral point of view and then we can tag positive meaning on it. Now let me give a totally new way for looking at the ideas of positive and negative. Now normally we think of positive in the form of something that's good negative in the form of something that's bad. Let's think about it in a completely new way. Positive is anything that is integrative that is connected. Negative is anything that is separating or segregated. So in the form of if we have a negative definition what that means is that definition takes us away from the natural core of who we are.

It takes us away from the present moment it takes us away from trusting the process anything that is positive is connected it's a scene of events as connected say something happens in your life where something comes up and it was kind of like a wrench thrown in the gears and you weren't expecting it. If we label that as something as negative it is separated it is separated from trusting the process. But if something happens in your life there's a reason that this happened I am not going to jump to conclusions and assume that it's negative. That's when we'll really start to gain the ability to bypass any negative situations and because we're not labeling it as being negative instead We're labeling it as either being neutral or something positive that we can learn from. We will then get that effect out of it with so many times that negative things have happened in my life especially over the last five or six years.

And I just simply chose and I'm going to see this from a positive point of view. I'm going to choose that something positive will come out of this. One of my favorite quotes and I used to always tell my little brother this I remember is from the book called Think and Grow Rich and the Napoleon Hill said that with every negative situation there is a seed that's planted with the equal proportion of positivity in it. And I'm paraphrasing there but it's the idea that if you choose and you hold the frame for there is some type of positive in here you will eventually see it. Now this also gives us the question Are there any negative labels or any negative...

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This video is about 3 Things to Give Up to Feel Positive Emotion INSTANTLY
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hey everyone! btw I put a pdf for you all in the description box! Much love!


People like you are why YouTube should exist. Thank you so much for your content.


Power pose stick your heart out! ❤️❤️❤️


Negative people, negative environment, attentions, surroundings


Negative body posture, self talk, self image


I totally agree with this video, for example I gave up Facebook and people are always surprised why but it I just realised that it wasn't serving me or making me happy so I feel a lot happier since I gave it up!


You are a blessing, Aaron! Thank you for sharing this and what has been revealed to you...so much wisdom! ❤️


Thanks Aaron! I always wish I could be surrounded by amazing positive people that are full of life like you! But don’t worry I will one day! Much love!


I was thinking about this topic today. I love ya brotha!


Thank you so much for you video's I saw your video yesterday and Subscribed😊😀 your channel contains positive thoughts 😇and how we change our lives completely 👍🙂


This video totally changed my perspective! When you gave that distinction of positive = connected and negative = separation that completely opened my eyes! Thank you for a wonderful video! x


I watch your videos everyday, and watching the amount of subscribers grow by a thousand every single day makes me quite happy. Congratulations! You deserve it :)


Only Good Lies Before Me..Loving your channel, thanks for inspiring Aaron!


You're the best !!!! The best videos for personal awareness....Thank you for the great work !!!


Really enjoyed this video. I could listen to u all day :) Much Love x


You are a high energy, uplifting person from the few videos I've watched of you.


Thank you so much. I needed to hear this.


I dont think that negative thoughts take us away from ourselfes. Sometimes we need to allow negative energy flow and sometimes we become released because of that. All is neutral yes but every situation has two sides. One "negative" side and one "positive". If we are seperating ourselfes from one another we cant experience neutrality.. We are humanbeings and we need to feel bouth. Maybe you understand what i mean but this is whats the truth for me.


You are so motivational ✌💕🙏I have made some excellent strides recently, and your videos have been extremely helpful. Much Love and Happiness to you!


Thanks Aaron quite practical and helpful!
